The Aviso


This edition of The Aviso features the stunning artwork and poetry of some MGC alumnae and current students, as well as an artwork submission from The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School. In this issue, we honour the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in our Spotlight piece written by cadet Hannah Benhassine, Notorious RBG, and discuss the controversy surrounding ‘Columbus Day’ in our Current Affairs section, as well as other issues that are closer to home. As we enter spring and start getting used to warmer weather, you could try your hand at some great recipes in the From The Mess Deck subsection, which include icy poles and delicious smoothies! This issue also introduces The Philosopher’s Cabin, a new section devoted to all things philosophy. We are so grateful for every submission we receive! If you would like be featured in The Aviso, please send submissions to


Rania Widjanarko, Cadet

Harriet Turner-Browne, Cadet

Xara Hudson, Humanities Captain

Guest Contributions

Untitled - Danielle Phan, The MacRobertson Girls’ High School


Oranges in August - Lucy Xu, MGC Class of 2019

Some days I wake up feeling like I am suspended in mid-air.

The sky is still, in anticipation-

for a moment, all is at peace in the world.


While clouds swirl around in my head, changing shapes-

pulling and swishing, forming shadows like satin drapes;

dawn and dusk all meld into one.


The mirror makes me feel green.

I think about how impressions lie, un-peeling myself before me-

the moon is waxing; a waning sigh.


A soft citrus scent follows me down the corridor.

The trickling stream traces my skin as I turn off the faucet.

In my reflection- the hazy mist of August.


Lucy Xu graduated from MGC in 2019, and is currently undertaking her first year of a Bachelor of Arts at Melbourne University. In addition to writing, she is also a long-term student of music and dance. Lucy's blog can be found at


Michaela - Adele Bauer, MGC Class of 2018

Adele Bauer graduated from MGC in 2018, and is now undertaking a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Monash University. She enjoys painting, making paper prints and drawing, and is also a model signed to Duval Agency.

From The Mess Deck

Icy Pole - Sunday Bickford, Year 7






1/4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice

2tbsp raspberries (frozen or fresh)


Pour mix into icy pole mould. Freeze.


Recipe: The Bickford Family






Strawberry Smoothie - Pepa White, Year 7




4 strawberries

1/3 cup yoghurt

1/4 cup milk


Place all ingredients in blender, blend and garnish with coconut to serve.


Recipe: Pepa White



The Philosopher’s Cabin


Philosophy club allowed me to think deeper into topics I hadn’t even considered. In the first ever meeting I went to, the question ‘Is tea a soup?’ was proposed. Being my first session I didn’t really understand why people were getting heated about ‘proper soup’, but I did know that tea is not soup. Part way throughout the call we did a poll and 27% of people thought that tea was soup! The opinions of every person varied which meant that brilliant points were said, including the point that tea may in fact NOT be a soup but a broth (I totally agree). I feel that everyone left the call developing new (and unusual) questions about the tea debate.

Recognising the Life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg  - Hannah Benhassine


Otherwise referred to as ‘The Notorious RBG’

As the holidays began, associate justice of the U.S Supreme Court Ruth Bader Ginsburg, passed away. Through her immense range of work in the fight towards gender equality, she became cemented as a revolutionary feminist icon. Ginsburg was extremely passionate about creating real change and stayed on the bench, even throughout her battle with cancer. As an associate justice of the Supreme Court, Ginsburg served to protect equal justice under law.

She co-founded the ACLU Women’s Right’s Project, in her determined resistance against many deeply embedded social conventions. Ginsburg wanted to make a clear message, that both women and men should be equal, and neither gender should be limited to preconceived ideas of what roles each gender plays. She did not limit herself to solely taking on cases for women as she saw her mission as a greater fight for gender equality. She also sought to protect the rights of marginalised individuals and build constitutional protections.

In many of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s cases, she held bold opinions, but that did not limit her desire and willingness to remain strategic, powerful and above all, fight for the rights for all. Some notable cases include:

  • The Obergefell v. Hodges case in 2015, granting same-sex couples in all states of the U.S the right to marry.
  • The United States v. Virginia case in 1996, a distinctive example of RBG’s clear stance that equality is a constitutional right. The case fought to allow women to enrol into the last standing all-male public university in the U.S, Virginia Military Institute.
  • Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt in 2016, RBG fought against Texas’s Abortion Bill that imposed restrictions on abortion providers and limited the protection of women’s health as it made it increasingly difficult to have an abortion.
  • Weinberger v. Wiesenfeld in 1975, RBG fought for a man whose wife died during childbirth. He wanted to care for his child more frequently and work less with the support of social security payments but soon discovered that only widows and not widowers were eligible. Ginsburg won the case with 8 out of 9 justices voting in her favour.
  • Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in 2007, arguing that pay disparity in the workplace was due to gender and later allowing for the formation of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

The noted cases only give a glimpse into the immense impact and legacy Ruth Bader Ginsburg has created and extend much deeper. She fought for all and not one and as such, will be forever treasured.

‘My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent’


SACs in the Holidays: Boon or Burden? – Xara Hudson


The end is nigh for the Year 12 cohort. As the all-important VCE Exams draw closer and closer, Year 12 students have been undertaking their final weeks of classes, revising a year’s worth of course content and completing their very last SACs, some of which took place during the last holidays. Several weeks ago, a survey was distributed throughout the Year 12 cohort to garner their views on SACs being held in the holidays, and a variety of responses were received. 71% of respondents agreed that SACs should be held during the holidays, with some stating that “[it] is very necessary for a lot of subjects”, “allows much more attention to be devoted to revision” and that holding SACs in the holidays are “better than having them during term 4”, a view expressed by almost half the respondents. On the other hand, 29% argued against holding SACs at this time, with one respondent stating that it is “unreasonable and unfair…largely because it is the only time in the year we have some level of personal time to look after our wellbeing”. Several respondents “really don't see why we can't just do [SACs] during school hours”. One response, not counted in the total, offered the view that holding SACs in the holidays was both “good and bad”. The holidays are usually a time designated for rest and recuperation, not for assessments. However, scheduling SACs during the spring holidays may prove beneficial for year 12 students who must prepare for their imminent exams and perhaps should not be burdened with SACs during Term 4. It is important to note that not all Year 12 students sat SACs during the holidays. Year 12 subjects are each unique in their level of difficulty and number of assessments, and many subjects still have SACs scheduled during Term 4. Though SACs being scheduled in the Term 3 holidays may seem to be a needless burden, it may in fact be a boon during the busiest part of the year. 


Indigenous Peoples’ Day - Rania Widjanarko, Year 11


On 12th October, 14 US states chose to celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day, on the same day that the other 36 states were celebrating Columbus Day. In spite of these numbers, most Americans have also made the choice to stop celebrating Columbus Day. Indigenous Peoples' Day is a day that honours the contributions of the Native Indigenous Americans, as opposed to commemorating the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492.While some argue that Columbus Day merely a celebration of the country's Italian-American heritage, others argue that this federal holiday only serves to glorify the mass genocide of the native Americans after Columbus' landing. They contend that Columbus's killing and enslaving of the Indigenous Americans marked the beginning of centuries of European colonialism. For years, native American advocates have been pushing for the states to change Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples', but to this day, it is still a work in progress.

Spoonville - Harriet Turner-Browne, Year 8

Photo by Faiza Karim, Year 8

If you have been utilising your 2 hour outdoors time, you most likely have come across a Spoonville. Spoonvilles are any collective of wooden or plastic spoons (even a tennis racket was spotted in one) decorated to look amazing! The Spoonville phenomenon is said to have been born in Winnersh, England, and during April, was first noticed in Longwarry, Victoria, and are especially popular in Melbourne. The spoons even reflect current events and celebrities such as a ‘Black Lives Matter” rioter, KISS rockers, Reese Witherspoon, and a Halloween-themed “doomsville”! Spoonvilles are a great way for adults and kids alike to get a break from the doom and gloom of current events to do something silly and positive, while connecting with their community. In these highly boring and disconnected times, go on and give your old cooking spoons a makeover (and a better home), and share them to the channel “The Spoonville Collection'' under “MGC All Students”!

Untitled - Suzanne Tetaz, Year 11


Dreaming (original song) - Lucia Stella, Year 12

Untitled - Priska Eunike, Year 10



Storm The Pug - Arabella Rowlands-Copley, Year 10 


Quote of the Watch

‘Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you’  - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Humanities News

  • The last Humanities Club meeting of 2020 will be held at lunch on Thursday, October 29, once all students return to school. The Philosophy Club will next meet online and in Room 112 on Friday, October 23.
  • Shortly, applications to the 2021 YMCA Youth Parliament will open. The Humanities Captains are in the process of putting together a team of six students to apply for participation in the event. If you are interested in participating in the Youth Parliament, please email Xara Hudson ( or Taya Holland ( and you will be placed on a mailing list to which further information will be distributed.
  • The Humanities Club can be joined at:
  • The Philosophy Club can be joined at:


Beth Barrass, Publication

Carolina Trujillo, Review of Submissions & General Assistance

Rania Widjanarko, Cadet

Hannah Benhassine, Cadet

Harriet Turner-Browne, Cadet

Xara Hudson, Editor



Dean Allan, Promotion at The Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School

Terry Donnelly, Editorial Advice

Anthony Keen, IT Support