General Information
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General Information
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A reminder that this Friday is a public holiday
( AFL Grand Final ) therefore school will be closed. We look forward to welcoming back all students, including Years 8, 9 and 10, on Monday, 26 October.
Future Bus Users: Families wishing to apply for bus use in 2021 are asked to do so by submitting a Bus application form by Wednesday, 28 October. Please find the application form attached below.
Current Bus Users: Current bus families are asked to please indicate their intentions for 2021 bus use by completing the e-form which has been sent via Operoo no later than Wednesday, 28 October.
If you have any questions in relation to bus travel please email
A reminder that all students from Year 7 to Year 12 are required to wear face masks or approved face coverings while at school. This also extends to parents whilst on school ground.
During Term 4 it is compulsory for hats to be worn by students during recess/lunch & all outdoor activities. Please ensure your child/children bring their hat to school each day.
All students undertaking a Year 12 subject were emailed a copy of their personalised exam timetable during the School Holidays. A copy of the complete timetable can also be found online via:
All exam information is in the Exam Navigator that students have been given, also found online at:
The following details are of particular importance:
Should a student be unable to attend an exam due to COVID reasons, they must contact the school as soon as they are aware of this on 9754 6435 or contact Mrs Fraanje.
Please be aware though, should a student miss an exam for any other reason, they may not be eligible for a Derived Exam Score, unless it is deemed an acceptable reason for absence by VCAA.
We encourage our school community to continue to pray for our Year 12s as they enter the upcoming exam period
As we welcome all year levels back onsite, we ask that students please return all their library books to the DC. Over the past few months we have loaned books in a number of ways, including sending books home with student packs and by 'click and collect'. For the remainder of the year students may borrow one book at a time.
We are happy to announce that the Canteen and Café will reopen from Monday, 26th October.
Hours of operation:
Canteen: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Cafe: 8.30am to 2.00pm every day except Wednesday
Due to current restrictions, it is necessary to put in place new guidelines which are set out as follows:
Social distancing markers have been placed on the ground leading to the canteen and café. During recess and lunch, students are expected to maintain a reasonable distance from one another when lining up.
All food purchased from the café and canteen must be consumed outside. We cannot allow students to eat in the restaurant or the MPH foyer as this would be in in breach of current government guidelines related to inside dining.
Unfortunately, parents and other external visitors cannot use the Café at this time.
As restrictions ease, we will begin to relax these requirements.
Thank you for your understanding.
All Junior and Middle school students must now supply their own art smock to school as soon as possible to comply with COVID safe practices. This could be an old shirt, or t-shirt, apron or home-made smock, or you can click and collect from Officeworks (or other stores).
Smocks need to be named and stored at school in student's own plastic bag in their locker. We are planning lots of fun and potentially messy painting and other activities in art this term to make up for the limited scope for those things during 'learn from home'.
Please find the 2021 Fee Schedule attached below. It is also now available on the BHCS website.
Due to the significant effect that COVID-19 has had on our community, the School Council has decided that there will be no fee increases in 2021.
We have also reduced the Resource Levy across most year levels. This levy had previously been called the Activities & Resource Levy which covered camps and excursions where applicable. At this stage, we are unable to determine whether there will be any camps or excursions taking place in 2021 so we have removed these costs from the levy. Should it be possible to have camps next year, the cost will be billed to families separately.
As a result of the changes, the effect will be that the total cost for most year levels will actually be lower per student in 2021 than they were in 2020.
In recognition of the impact of COVID-19 on schools and families, the Department of Education and Training has announced an extension to the CSEF (Camp Sports Excursion Funding) to help support families who have more recently become eligible for a Health Care Card due to financial hardship.
If you have a Health Care Card that is valid on or before 5th October, 2020, please complete and return the attached CSEF Application Form as soon as possible.
A CSEF claim can only be made once per year. If you are unsure whether you have already submitted a claim for CSEF Funding this year or should you have any other queries, please contact the Finance Office or email