What's Been Happening

Road Smart Incursion
Last Friday our Year 10 students attended an insightful session with 'Road Smart,' A Victorian Government, Learner Driver Initiative.
The four main areas of Driver Safety were highlighted, these being; safe cars, safe roads, safe people and safe speed. It was an interactive session full of quality tips and information that will hopefully be passed onto parents as they discuss learning to drive at home.
As part of the "Road Smart" program, students have the opportunity to receive a FREE in-car session, reinforcing the key road safety messages they learned in class. These sessions details have been shared with the Year 10's on their 'All Year 10 Google Classroom' page and the information has been emailed to families.
Well done to all 10's involved, hope you got as much out of it as we did!
VCE Studio Arts Exhibition
Our 2020 VCE Studio Arts students celebrated the completion of their artworks in an exhibition opening on Friday during their last class together. While visits were kept to a minimum, the students invited staff and students to view the culmination of a very different creative year and celebrate their achievements.
The artworks this year cover a wide variety of art forms including plaster sculpture, felting, photography, cartoon animation and acrylic painting on canvas. One artwork is designed to be interactive and experiential: requiring an imaginative step-back-to-childhood for some of us while others invite a more responsive viewing and hold a deeper message within.
Operation Christmas Child
The Junior School will be supporting Samaritan’s Purse, with Operation Christmas Child again this year. Last year was a great success with our Junior School donating over one hundred shoe boxes filled with gifts for children in other countries who would otherwise not receive anything for Christmas. It was a great joy to take the filled boxes to the collection centre and hand them over to Samaritan’s Purse volunteers.
God teaches us to love our neighbours like ourselves, to show grace, compassion and selflessness to others. This is a great opportunity for our school to show God’s love to those far less fortunate than ourselves. I encourage everyone to get behind this worthy cause where we as a school can bless others.
You can help in several different ways: by donating $10 towards postage of the boxes, donating single items or filling an A4 shoe box with all the specified categories of gifts with or without the $10 postage.
We ask that all boxes and donations please be brought into school as soon as possible as we only have two weeks left before they need to go to the collection centre. Your children can give their boxes to their class teacher.
Information about Operation Christmas Child can be found on Class Dojo or in the Samaritans Purse Website