Year 6 RE Test

In week 1 of this term, our Year 6 students completed the annual Year 6 RE Test. The average score across the Armidale Diocese was 20.5 out of a possible 30 marks (68%). Holy Trinity's average score was 19.9 out of a possible 30 marks (66%). The results of the test will assist us in planning RE learning and teaching for the future. 


Congratulations to all students for their participation and results and teachers for the smooth running of the test.

The following students are to be commended for achieving High Distinctions and Distinctions.

High Distinction: Lidiya Varghese, Ellie Miller, Angela Nguyen, Charlotte McCosker.

Distinction: Taliah Slee, Hannah Bourke, Mollie McCudden, Oscar Monie, Connor Perceval, Colby Walker, Isaac Whan, Casey Brabant, Elkie Sargeant, Eliza McNamara, Griffin Sanderson, Olivia Bellinger, Dainan Swadling, Will Munro.


NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to come together to celebrate the rich history, diverse cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the oldest continuing cultures on the planet. NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia each year, and provide a valuable opportunity for all Australians to participate in a range of activities and to support local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

The theme this year is Always Was, Always Will Be which recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years.

During this week, classes will participate in different activities and have the opportunity to reflect through prayer and celebrate the diverse cultures of our indigenous friends.

Remembrance Day: 11/11

Tomorrow is Remembrance Day, the 11th of November. Remembrance Day is an important day in Australia, and across the world.

We remember the sacrifice of those who have died for Australia in wars and conflicts.

In 1918, at 11am on the 11th of November, fighting in the First World War come to an end. The guns of the Western Front fell silent after more than four years of continuous warfare.

Now, over 100 years later, we will pause for a minute at 11am on this day, the 11th of November, to remember the service and sacrifice of those who have died and suffered in all wars and conflicts. 

Red poppies are worn on Remembrance Day as a symbol of remembrance for the thousands that grew across the battlefields of the Western Front.

At 10:50am on Wednesday, staff and students will stop to pray, reflect and remember this significant day.

Secondary Lap-a-thon

Next week Thursday, 19 November, the Secondary students will take part in the annual Vinnies Fancy Dress Lap-a-thon. All money raised will be donated to our local St Vincent de Paul centre to support them during the Christmas Appeal. There will be prizes for the best Fancy Dress outfits presented for judging across years 7 to 10.

Festive Foods - SVDP

Students at Holy Trinity have been very generous in previous years in supporting SVDP by donating non-perishable food items for Christmas Hampers. This year we have been asked to support those less fortunate in our community again by donating non-perishable foods which you would like to eat/have at Christmas or for a festive occasion - FESTIVE FOODS! 

Families can begin to send festive food items into school which we will donate to SVDP at the end of the term.

For the Calendar:

Term 4 2020

9 to 13 November - NAIDOC Week 

11 November - Remembrance Day Prayer service, in classrooms

27 November - Year 6 Mass, SHC at 9:15am

3 December - Year 10 Graduation Mass, SHC at 9:15am


Enjoy the week and God bless, 


Mary-Jane Guest

Religious Education Coordinator