Garden and Environment


Dear Parents / Carers,


This week, we farewell our two roosters Maple and Olive. These beautiful boys will make their new home on a hobby farm with a variety of pet animals in nearby Olinda. Though sad to say goodbye, students enjoyed one last cuddle and playtime with them this week. Many commented on how friendly they are, even though they are protective of the hens. 

We are hoping to increase Phoenix's playtime with her sisters after the boys move out, taking advantage of the new pecking order sorting time. 



We would like to thank all families who helped out with chicken care this year, particularly families of Kayden and Owen (1A) who visit on weekends to keep our chickens well fed, watered, and exercised. 


Finally, Year Six students were excited to harvest our garlic this week. The yield was impressive along with the size of the bulbs. We have trussed them for hanging, ready for use in 2023. 


Belinda and I have really enjoyed working with all students this year and we wish our Year Six cohort wonderful adventures at secondary school. 


Kind Regards,


Kate Newman, Garden/Environment Teacher

Belinda Williams, Horticulturist