From the

Assistant Principal 


Dear Parents/Carers,


Thank you to our supportive school community for your partnership during our first full year of face-to-face teaching in three years! Our students have continued to grow as confident and resilient learners.

Our semester two student reports will be available to access through Compass at 3pm on Monday 19 December.  This report allows you to see the progress and achievements your child has made in their learning throughout the year. A reminder to Year 6 parents and parents of any child leaving at the end of 2022, you need to make sure you have downloaded and saved your reports as you won’t be able to access these once your child has left the school.


The highlights of the 2022 school year include; Maths Talent Quest entries, Year 3 - Year 6 House Athletics Carnival, House Cross Country, Colour Run, our Beyond Boundaries Adventure Program, Book Week celebrations, 100 Days of School celebration, School Production of Beauty and the Beast Jr, Friday News Program and our Year 6 Graduation Evening next week.


Our Christmas concert once again is nearly upon us. Due to the inclement weather forecast next Monday, we have had to re-schedule this event. Our Christmas concert will now take place on Thursday 15 December from 6.00pm –7:30pm.  The canteen will be open for families to purchase snacks, icy-poles and drinks.  All students are to meet their teacher on the basketball court by 5.30pm, dressed in Christmas colours. Students will remain with their grade and teacher for the duration of the concert.


Next week, our Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students will celebrate the end of the school year with a Junior School Tabloid Sports session. Led by our house captains, vice captains and student leaders, our junior students will be encouraged and supported to try something new and persevere when an activity is challenging. Thank you to the Specialist teaching team for their organisation of this event.


I would like to thank all of the Rowville Primary School teachers, education support staff and administration team for their efforts and dedication to providing a nurturing and engaging learning community for all of our students and families during the 2022 school year.


Lastly, I would like to thank Ms Anne Babich for another year of outstanding school leadership.


The 2022 school year will come to a close on Tuesday 20 December. Our final assembly will commence at 1:30pm and students will be dismissed at 2:30pm.


Wishing you and your family a relaxing and restful holiday break. I look forward to seeing our Year 1 - Year 6 students back at the school on Tuesday 31 January  and our Foundation students on Monday 6th February at 8.45am for another successful and enjoyable year of learning.


Kind regards,


Tiffany Bamford

Assistant Principal