From the 



Dear Parents / Carers,


This is the final newsletter for 2022. It has been a privilege to work with our school community during the 2022 school year. It is amazing to think that we are at the tail end of the school year!


Our students were very excited to meet their 2023 class teacher and class peers last Tuesday. It was a very exciting day filled with excitement and anticipation. Our 2023 Foundation students spent the morning with their new teachers and were introduced to their 2023 Year Six buddies. Our Year Six students will visit their respective secondary schools on Tuesday 13 December.


Due to the poor weather predicted for next Monday, our Christmas Concert will now be held on Thursday 15 December from 6.00pm-7.30pm. We anticipate that this will be a wonderful community night where the Rowville Primary School community come together in a relaxed 'picnic' environment to celebrate Christmas and the end of the school year. Our talented staff will be joining together to present what will be a sensational closing item. 


On reflection, I could not have asked for a better school year. We accomplished so much for our students. Our teachers delivered targeted teaching throughout the year, and our results show that students across the school have made significant learning growth. The Senior Students performed ‘Beauty and the Beast Jr.’ over two nights at the Drum Theatre. Throughout the year our students demonstrated significant sporting achievements in what was a full sporting calendar. Students participated in the Beyond Boundaries Adventure Program. A group of students performed well in the Mathematics Talent Quest. One of the highlights of the year was undoubtedly the arrival of the Sussex chicks and the interest created by the shifting dynamics amongst the brood as they grew. 


The end of the school year is always filled with a mix of emotions. There is a feeling of happiness as one reflects on the wonderful events and stories that have filled our school year. There is a feeling of sadness that we have reached another ending and that our Year Six students are leaving. 


The Year Six class of 2022 will celebrate their achievements at a graduation ceremony on Wednesday 14 December. The class of 2022 commenced at Rowville Primary School in 2016. I have had the pleasure of working with them during their entire time at primary school. They are the twelfth cohort of Preps that I have watched grow through Rowville Primary School. We wish our Year Six students students all the very best as they embark on the next part of their educational journey. We look forward to hearing of their success in the future. 


At the end of each school year we say thank you and farewell to members of our team who are leaving to explore new opportunities. We thank Ms Wall, Mrs Bellofiore and Ms Edmonds for their contribution to student learning at Rowville Primary School and wish them well for the future. 


I would like to thank all the parents who supported our school during 2022. I thank our parents who supported the implementation of our various Beyond Boundaries experiences, the school disco, the colour run, and the Mother’s and Father’s day stalls. Finally, I thank families for their kind words and messages of support throughout times that were particularly challenging.


I thank our School Council for their positive contribution to the governance of our school. I acknowledge Reiha Ternes the School Council President for her outstanding leadership of School Council and support of our school.


I would like to thank all staff - teachers and school support staff for working together to support our students and their families during 2022. I thank Mrs Tiffany Bamford, our Assistant Principal for her outstanding support and dedication. We have a committed team at Rowville Primary School.


The school will close at 2.30 pm on Tuesday 20 December. We will be having a whole school assembly commencing at 1.30pm. All parents are welcome to attend. This will be our closing ceremony for 2022. The student leaders for 2023 will be announced and awards will be presented to students that have achieved excellence in Citizenship.


Finally, I extend to all our families peace, joy, and all the best for Christmas and the New Year. I hope your summer is safe and restful. Children need a variety of experiences and conversations from adults in their lives to grow and flourish. Spend the holiday break enjoying family time together. This will help your child be ready for the next year of school.

I look forward to working with everyone in 2023. 


The new school year for students will commence at 8.45am on Tuesday 31 January 2023. Please note 2023 Foundation students will commence at 8.45am on Monday 6 February 2023.


Anne Babich
