Malgobila News -           

Years 10,11 & 12

Meet the team

Upcoming events

College Swimming CarnivalThursday 16th February
College School Photo DayFriday 3rd March
College School Photo Catch Up DayWednesday 8th March

Welcome to Term 1 2023

On Monday 30th January the Year 11 and 12 students returned.  An informative assembly regarding all things VCE was held at Forge Theatre.   Also discussed was VCAA Study design, Delivery and Assessment policy, School-based Apprenticeship and Traineeships and VET Studies.  All students were given a study planner, it was discussed how to use the planner and each student will have a Careers meeting this term, Year 12 students in weeks 3 - 4 and Year 11 students across weeks 6 - 7.



VCE and VCE VM Delivery and Assessment Policies 

VCE and VCE VM Delivery and Assessment Policy handbooks are available to our Year 11 and 12 students. This document is available as a download on Compass and our College website. The policy cover everything from attendance requirements, redemption of SACs and CATs, exams, subject changes and expectations of students and staff. If you are the parent of a VCE or VCE VM student please take the time to read the policies which can be found by clicking on the link below.



On Wednesday 1st February Year 10 held their assembly at Boucher Hall - discussing the year ahead and setting expectations for students.


Students were happy to be reunited with friends and teachers to begin a new year of learning.

Study Sessions  

Study sessions (3.30 pm -5.00 pm) are up and running again! Wednesday (English) and Thursday (Maths).  All students are welcome to attend the study sessions in the LRC. Teachers are available to provide students with assistance. 

Masonic Lodge Presentation 

On Wednesday 8th February representatives Stan Collins, Bob Hill and John Goodman from the Mitchell River Masonic Lodge attended the Bairnsdale Secondary College to present 2022 Year 12 graduating students Ashley Gosney and Michael Squires with scholarships to assist with their tertiary journey.


Freemasons Foundation Victoria together with the Masonic Lodges across Victoria have provided more than $500,000 in scholarships and awards to students throughout 2022/23.


This year the Mitchell River Masonic Lodge extended their very generous scholarship awards to 2 Bairnsdale Secondary College students.  Ashley and Michael were required to submit an application along with references to apply for the scholarships.  Recipients of the award must demonstrate a commitment to their studies and show that they are continuing with their education in their field of choice. Ashley will be undertaking a Bachelor of Early Education at Deakin University and Michael will be heading to Deakin University to study engineering.


Well done to our VCE VM students who prepared a delicious morning tea of scones and jam for students, staff and our special guests.


A huge thank you to the Mitchell River Masonic Lodge for their continued support of the students at Bairnsdale Secondary College and helping them achieve their dreams.



Career paths


Last Thursday Riley from Hub who is a IT Support Technician gave an information session about his job role at the Hub.  Every second Thursday VCE VM will have a guest speaker talking about career paths in the local area.



Australia Day Awards


The 2023 Australia Day awards were recently announced with National Tree Day winning the Community Event of the year for both the East Gippsland region and the Bairnsdale Town Event of the year. The award was accepted on behalf of the Bairnsdale Scouts and Bairnsdale Secondary College VCAL by teacher Sarah Lamble. 


This is wonderful recognition for the Bairnsdale Secondary College VCAL students who organised the National Tree Day for Schools on the 29th of July 2022. The VCAL group were successful in being awarded a Junior Landcare grant, which they used to purchase seedlings and materials. They then invited some junior classes and the East Gippsland Special School students to participate in a series of environmental education and revegetation sessions, culminating in National Tree Day.


Young people are concerned about climate change, by participating in events like National Tree Day young people feel empowered and like they can make a change. It is essential to the health and well-being of the next generation to build a connection to the environment. Whilst tree day is one day, the students learn about long term planning, event management and forging broader community relationships whilst gaining a sense of pride. If anyone (Parents included) is interested in Joining the Bairnsdale Urban Landcare group or participating in Tree day please have a word with Ms Lamble.

Arthur Grassby Scholarship


Students at work


Year 11 VCE Food Studies


Year 11 VCE Food Studies students made teff pancakes and freekeh and tomato salad. They learnt about the historical development of food systems, food cultures and distinctive cuisines around the world. 


Holly and Arie
Jordan, Isabella and Jack
Holly and Arie
Jordan, Isabella and Jack

Driving to school?

Are you a student driving to school ? Please come to the Hub and collect a Permission to Drive to School Request Form. It must be signed by a Parent/Carer and a copy of the licence will be put on file. Please click on the button below to read our Student Driver Policy