Wurrin News - Years 8 & 9


Wurrin Hub Reflection

What a positive start to the year we have had, our Year 8 and 9 students have returned full of enthusiasm, ready to learn. Our teachers have returned with the same enthusiasm and already we have seen some excellent relationships being established.


We are super pleased with the way our students have settled back into routine and are upholding our College Values following on from transition at the end of 2022. 

Having said that, it is never easy to get back into the swing of things after being out of routine over the holidays. We thank, appreciate and ask for your continued assistance around the reinforcement of correct school uniform, being in class on time with the right equipment ready to learn.  


Already this term we have held Year 8 and 9 assemblies reinforcing expectations and our College Values. It has been extremely pleasing to see the number of students receiving values points for demonstrating these Values. We can see it won’t be long before postcards and vouchers are being handed out. 


Some of our extra curricular activities are kicking off this week. Our Popular Interests Group began in the library. These will take place weekly with a different focus each week. 

Moving forward we have the College Swimming Carnival coming up and also NAPLAN for our Year 9 students in March. 


We are developing focus groups on Student Leadership opportunities to increase student voice in the coming weeks, please keep your eyes and ears open for further information.


If, as a parent you have any questions or concerns please contact the Hub Staff and as a student, please come and see us and let us know if there is anything that we can help you with or if there is any support you may need.


In class on time, with required materials and in school uniform. High expectations and excellence in everything we do.

Meet the team


Upcoming Events:

College Swimming CarnivalThursday 16th February
College School Photo DayFriday 3rd March
College School Photo Catch Up DayWednesday 8th March
NAPLAN (Year 9)Wednesday 15th March - Monday 27th March

Year Level Assemblies

Year 8
Year 9
Year 8
Year 9


Students at Work!