
Welcome, and welcome back, to our new and returning students! Each year 7 class will have completed their 'Library Introduction' lesson by the end of this week, and it’s been great to meet all of our new and enthusiastic students, and to welcome back our familiar faces!!! 


At the library we have a range of resources for learning and for fun, including, but not limited to novels in a range of genres, quick reads, magazines and non-fiction books, games, cameras, robotics equipment and Virtual Reality headsets. The library is open for hanging out during Break 1 this year, as Break 1 is the longer break. Our 'Nerd Clubs' are still happening each Wednesday of term, and we’ve had a great start to the activities! The timetable of Nerd Club activities for Term 1 is listed below, and it’s also displayed on the Library’s front doors. 


Throughout the year, we’ll send email reminders and notifications to students’ school email addresses, so students are encouraged to check these regularly. Our online Library Catalogue is a great, easy to use tool to browse our collection, and can be accessed from any device connected to the internet. Follow the 'Library' link on the Dashboard, or go to!dashboard. From here you can search the catalogue as a Guest, or you can login [use your Compass credentials] to see your borrowing details and reserve items. It's easy and there are short instructional videos on the landing page to make it easier. You’ll also find the club activities for the term listed on the homepage too.

Digital Design Competition

We are looking for artworks to create signs for our library. So, if you have a talent for drawing or designing, we are looking for original black and white line drawings (shading can only be in small areas of the picture) to burn onto wood to make signs, like this one of the Death Star for our Science Fiction collection.

There are several signs that we are looking to create, so you can enter as many designs in as many categories as you choose! We are hoping to make a sign for each section of our library:

  • Horror
  • Crime
  • Mystery and Suspense
  • True Stories
  • Humour
  • Sports Stories
  • School Stories
  • Historical Fiction
  • General Fiction
  • Australian Fiction
  • War Stories
  • Action and Adventure
  • Dystopian Fiction
  • Animal Stories
  • Love Stories
  • Supernatural

Winners will be judged by our library staff team. Your design will only be used to create the sign, and then the digital file will be deleted, to protect your intellectual property. Your name will also be engraved onto the base of the sign, along with your year level.

Submissions close March 10th, 2023