


The wellbeing and care of our students underpins every aspect of life at Bairnsdale Secondary College.The College encompasses a caring and supportive environment for all students, fostering the development of resilience, self-confidence, respect and perseverance through our College values and all interactions between staff and students. 


The Student Wellbeing Team provides further support for students and the wider school community, advocating for students and encouraging and promoting positive social, emotional and educational outcomes. We work in close collaboration with teachers, Hubs and families, in addition to liaising with external community support organisations. 


Services/programs offered within the Wellbeing space include:

  • One-on-one counselling
  • Breakfast and Lunch Programs
  • A dedicated School Nurse and Charlie the School Dog
  • Doctors in Secondary School Programs (doctor and nurse onsite weekly)
  • GEM Mentoring Program
  • Drug and Alcohol Counsellor (onsite fortnightly)
  • Rainbow Connection Group (LGBTQIA+ hangout)
  • Year 7 Hangout Group




A big hello from the Wellbeing Team and we hope that enjoyed a wonderful and safe summer holiday! Wellbeing is sure that many students returning to Bairnsdale Secondary College are feeling both eager and nervous about coming back. We as Wellbeing staff truth be told, are a mixture of both as well entering into 2023.


Wellbeing are particularly aware of are our new Year 7 cohort, and to support these new students, Wellbeing has re-started our 'Year 7 Hang-Out Group' which will be running during BREAK 1 every THURSDAY throughout the first term. The group has many games and activities to join in on and we hope that these small groups help Year 7 students to find their footing, develop new friendships, as well as getting to know the helpful staff at our College. Year 7 students were welcomed to the group week 1 by School Nurse, Sophie Brown, her dog Charlie, and another member of the Wellbeing Team. They were offered fun activities including card games and beading. Students who did not wish to join activities were able to sit on the floor and simply pat Charlie.


For any students at our College who may be feeling a little overwhelmed and unsure of where to go during break times, Wellbeing is open to all. We have a number of quiet activities, puzzles and games, and throughout the week, play informative programs on the television. Students who are unsure of where to find Wellbeing can speak to their HUBS and a staff member will guide them to the space. 


If any parents or guardians are concerned about their child or a child in their care returning to school, please let us know. Wellbeing is always here to help.

L-R: Jessy, Clay, Tyler, Ethan and Will
L-R: Jessy, Clay, Tyler, Ethan and Will

ParentZone Gippsland is run through Anglicare Victoria and offers all carers and parents a chance to develop and strengthen their parenting skills and create positive change in their family.  Are there areas of your parenting you would like to learn more about or do differently? Do you feel like you’re constantly facing parenting challenges or struggling in your relationships at home? ParentZone may be able to support you with strategies and education that can be easily transpired from a learning space to living space.  This year Parent Zone will continue to run their education and information sessions online to support parents and carers. All programs are FREE but bookings are essential. For enquiries on any of these programs, contact parentzone.gippsland@anglicare.vic.org.au or phone 5135 9555.





For parents/carers whose adolescent is displaying violent behaviours in the home. 

Do you feel threatened, frightened or even controlled by your son or daughter? Are family members or younger siblings feeling scared? Are you or family members feeling anxious, isolated, ashamed, as a result of the behaviour? Breaking the Cycle looks at understanding and working on the behaviour, not laying blame on you or your child. Breaking the Cycle gives you an opportunity to discuss all issues and learn new skills to better manage challenging situations. Find the difference in the child and the behaviour and reconnect with your young person again. Come along to these 8 sessions to learn strategies, share stories and take some time out for you!

Where: On line via TEAMS

When: Friday 10th February -31st March 2023

Time: 10:30am -12:30pm

Cost: FREE. Bookings essential

For enquiries: E: parentzone.gippsland@anglicarevic.org.au or P: (03) 5135 9555




  • Are you a Dad who would like to: 
  • Better understand your importance in your child's life?
  • Have agreements that work?
  • Further develop your relationship with your young people?
  • Get your head around what they need from you?

Come along to these 5 online sessions. Share strategies, strengths and stories. Take some time out for you and celebrate the importance of being a Dad!

Where: On line via TEAMS

When: Tuesdays 14th February - 14st March 2023

Time: 5.30pm - 7.30pm

Cost: FREE. Bookings essential

For enquiries: E: parentzone.gippsland@anglicarevic.org.au or P: (03) 5135 9555




The basis of a sound relationship with children is your ability to communicate effectively in a friendly and respectful manner. This involves two important aspects – listening and talking. This 2 hour sessions looks at effective and non effective communication in the home:

  • What is communication
  • The difference between verbal and non-verbal messages
  • Listening
  • Reacting
  • Personal triggers and responses
  • Calm and effective communication

Where: On line via TEAMS 

When: Wednesday 15th February 2023

Time: 10.00am - 12.00pm

Cost: FREE. Bookings essential

For enquiries: E: parentzone.gippsland@anglicarevic.org.au or P: (03) 5135 9555





Information pages for parents, young people and kids as well as some great free webinars :


Safer Internet Day 2023 | eSafety Commissioner


Webinars for parents and carers | eSafety Commissioner


Parents | eSafety Commissioner


Young People | eSafety Commissioner


Kids | eSafety Commissioner


Stories | Australian Childhood Foundation (nevertoolate.org.au)