Principal's Message

Good morning and welcome to the 2023 school year!


We have had a fantastic start to the year  we couldn’t be happier!


The staggered start has worked really well, again. Year 7 students had a chance to settle into their new space. I have been disappointed that the entire new year 7 building wasn’t 'handed over' to us, but fingers crossed it will be this coming Monday! 😊This whole complex is just the most remarkable space and I truly hope all the students and families appreciate what it is that they have. You would have to go a long long long way to find a secondary college with facilities to match ours! 


“When does the new Science buildings come on line?” I hear you asking. Our  builders are telling us the start of March, just a few weeks away.  Then we will be able to boast some of the most outstanding facilities in the state!


If you would like a walk through our new Year 7 building and a sneak peak in the Science centre we will be doing a walk through on Thursday 23rd February commencing at 4.45 pm, please meet us at the Administration building.


The Year 11 and 12 students simply flowed into classes, session 1, day 1 and they are clearly showing a desire to make the most of this year. The transition program (last 3 weeks of last year)  is now paying us back ten-fold. All that hard work of transition and the Year 11 into Year 12 camp has set students up well for this fine start.


On day 2 our year 8, 9 and 10 students joined us and we were up an about! Put 1150 teenagers in one place and there is bound to be some activity!


I have spent much time walking the corridors and classrooms in the past days, and have been very pleased with the way they are rolling. You, as a parent, expect excellence from our College and we need to deliver. To ensure this is the case I need to be out and about to see and know what’s going on in every aspect of our College. Thinking that this is happening and then checking that it truly is happening is the trick to knowing for sure.


We have new faces! We have had loads of new students enrol and a number of new staff. We are intending to introduce you to a couple of new staff each newsletter, with a little bit of a background story, and how they have ended up working here at our College.


New staff have all settled in well and we met during the week to have a very practical based Q & A session. I am pleased to say they are ‘going really well’.


Something to ponder: What was the last task that you failed at? But much more importantly: What did you learn from that?


Looking forward to the year


Thanks for reading!


Trudie Nagle
