Classroom News

Grade 1 & 2

Term 4, Week 10 2022

Year 1 & 2  End of Term 4 

Another year - done! The year has absolutely flown by and 2023 is looking fabulous as we complete Step -up transition.  We have been amazed and delighted with the growth of all our students, across academic, social and emotional learning areas.                                      


In Reading, we investigated many mentor texts, including non-fiction and poetry. Students have broadened their vocabulary, visualised and made connections to themselves, other texts and the world. We continued to questioning at a  deeper level to expand comprehension, particularly inferential understandings. Thank-you for continuing with Take-home reading at home, it makes such an obvious difference to your child’s reading progression. 

In Writing, we re-visited persuasive texts, linking our writing to our Integrated topics. We also tried out different poetry types, such as cinquain, diamante and haiku poetry.  We organised our special Writer’s Gift to show-case our wonderful writing pieces.


In Mathematics this term we focused on Money, Fraction and Time. In Money, we learned how to calculate a collection of coins and created a shop to learn about working on change. In Fraction, we learned how to show ½, ¼ and eighths in different ways and even investigated some equivalent fractions.In Time, we learned about telling time to the hour, half hour and also quarter to and past the hour. We even worked on converting analogue to digital time and vice versa. We also spent some time revising different topics such as addition and subtraction, location (giving and following direction) and reading a calendar (months, days of the week and Season).


Our Term 4 Integrated Unit was How We Stay Safe and Healthy. We had a special visitor from the RACV who spoke about keeping safe and healthy at home and on the roads. We also investigated Safety at school and why it is important to have healthy habits.

Students were able to demonstrate their learning using digital technologies. The videos were done in cooperative groups and it was a real challenge to use the digital programs and work together to create ONE informative video. We all had lots of fun on the journey and learned lots too!


We completed our Respectful Relationship rotations and continued to work on our topics of Gender Identity and Gender-based violence with our own class, as part of the whole school Respectful Relationships program. Many worthwhile discussions were had and the students were able to comfortably share their understandings through discussion and role-plays.


To all of our classroom helpers and class parent representatives, thank-you so much for your time, expertise and energy. To all families, thank-you for your support in building a positive learning environment where all children can thrive.

We wish all of our families a wonderful holiday season and our students a successful 2023.

The Year 1 & 2 team.