The Patch Program 

Term 4, Week 10 2022

First we have some fantastic news - Box Hill Rotary have given us a significant grant which we will be using to rebuild a lot of the garden beds in the patch as raised beds, eradicate a lot of the weeds and lots of new tan bark which will help stop those pesky weeds! 

Thank you so much, Rotary! 

The Patch will look quite different when we come back next year.


In the meantime, we have been planting lots and lots of summer vegetables, doing lots of weeding, and munching the beds ready for our hotter weather. When school returns, we should be able to use lots of our produce in the Patch Kitchen. 


We’ve also cleared lots of weeds out of our indigenous walk, and purchased a lot more native plants to plant which we will be doing next week. 


In the Kitchen, we have been cooking lots of yummy, healthy food. Vege and cheese muffins, vegetable fritters, super healthy rice paper rolls and finishing the year off with a treat - lemon and lavender cupcakes. All these recipes are on my website if you want to do some cooking in the holidays


I would love to see what you’ve cooked in the holidays when we get back next year.



Have a wonderful, healthy, happy holidays 
