Classroom News

Grade 5 & 6

Term 4, Week 10 2022

What a term and amazing end to the year we have had! It’s been absolutely wonderful to have the students back for their first full year of school after the past two years of interrupted learning. This term has been jam packed with learning and extracurricular activities. We have had Science Week, seen our Grade 5’s participate in our Leadership Unit, preparing them for Grade 6. Our Grade 6’s have participated in a Basketball Clinic, a staff vs student Dodgeball and Basketball match, along with many students across the two year levels participating in the Dodgeball tournament and a Grade 5/6 House Cup. There’s been a school Disco, Upstander and Bystander Training, Evening of Music, Step Up and Graduation.


As the year comes to an end we want to thank you for your ongoing support in our classrooms and across the school year. We want to wish our Graduating Grade 6’s all the very best as they take on a new chapter in their schooling life. We hope everyone has a happy and safe Christmas and New Years break and we look forward to seeing you around the school in 2023!



In literacy our focus has been on poetry, analysing texts, language features and letter writing. Students have been working hard to complete and finalise their Writers Gift’s which they are all extremely proud of.


Students have continued to participate in regular mini lessons and conferences where they have been working towards their goals.



In Numeracy we have explored Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, along with a focus on worded problems and continuing to develop their fluency. Students have participated in chance experiments and have finished off the year looking at Area, Volume and Capacity.



This term students participated in a hands-on Science Week with a focus on chemical and physical changes. Students participated in 5 different experiments across the week and a science incursion. We followed that with a unit on Digital technologies where students created and programmed their own Keynote Quiz. Our Grade 5’s participated in a Leadership Unit, preparing them for being the Leaders of the School as they enter Grade 6. We had a record breaking number of students apply with almost 90% of the year level applying to become an official leader next year and we’re so proud of all the students for taking the steps to apply. Our Grade 6 students have spent time preparing for Graduation and reflecting on their time at BPS.


Diary Reminders:


Monday 30th of January - First Day of Term 1.


The 5/6 Team