
A focus on our school's values:

Respect, Encouragement, Ambition, Consideration and Honesty

Principal's REACH Award

Layla Eliott - For demonstrating the REACH values towards a Prep student. You are a very kind and caring little girl.


REACH Award Winners for - November

Foundation (Prep)

Arlo L

For always working hard to demonstrate the REACH values and being a great role model in Prep B. You always strive to do your best in all areas of your learning. Amazing work Arlo, keep it up super star!

Foundation (Prep)

Laura C

For always demonstrating all of the REACH values throughout the year! I love your ambition with everything you do and you are a very considerate member of Prep A! Well done super star! 

Grade 1

Mikayla M

For consistently  demonstrating the REACH values. In particular, showing ambition towards her learning goals and respect and encouragement towards her peers. Amazing effort Mikayla!

Grade 1

Coa M

For her wonderful attitude towards all areas of school. You always come in with a cheery smile and you have been such a great friend to all members of 1B throughout the year. Great work Coa!

Grade 2

Stefan K

For striving to display all of the REACH values. Stefan has worked hard throughout the year and has made some wonderful progress in many areas. Well done Stefan!

Grade 3

Noah B

For the leadership and welcoming attitude he displayed during the transition days. Well done! 

Grade 4

Tyler W

For being a true leader and example of how to follow the REACH values throughout 2022! 

Grade 5

Tahliya S

For always being such a kind, caring student including everyone. You’re amazing Tahliya.

Grade 5

Sienna J

For consistently showing all of the REACH values and putting her best effort into everything she does. Well done Sienna!

Grade 6

Una G

For consistently demonstrating all of the REACH values during the year.

Grade 6

Savannah A

For being a wonderful student and always demonstrating our REACH values. Keep it up Savannah!


REACH Values Positive Behaviours Matrix

In 2022 each classroom will have a copy of the REACH Values Positive Behaviour Matrix poster (see below). This poster provides examples of what each value looks like in various settings in our school community. This will be used in restorative conversations with children and as a benchmark of behaviour for each and every member of the Rollins PS community.