Our school theme of Respect - “we are but travellers here” has been animated throughout the year in every aspect of our school life. 


I have been continually reminded of our strong sense of community as our staff and students have acted in ways that demonstrate respect and that indicate their understanding that what we do now really matters.


Our staff have a great respect for their profession. Whatever their role in our school, our staff are committed to doing their best and I believe that this is because they have, at the centre of their motivations, what is in the best interests of each and every student. Our staff challenge students, they create teaching and learning opportunities so that every student can experience success and they importantly encourage students to be responsible for their own learning and actions. Respecting students is not simply letting them do what they want, or what they enjoy the most - it is ultimately about knowing students well enough to support them through challenging learning, to stretch them and to encourage them to push the boundaries of their capabilities so that they learn and grow. 


Our students have faced challenges again this year, adjusting once more to changes around them. They have had opportunities to make meaningful contributions to our school community and to our wider community. This sense that they are part of something bigger than themselves is a valuable understanding. It is said that a community is measured by how it responds to the vulnerable and for us I think this is very important. Our school values encourage our students to live in a way that reflects compassion, forgiveness, reverence, respect, dignity and generosity. It is undoubtedly important for us as a school to ensure that students learn in an academic sense, it is equally important that school offers opportunities for students to grow as people. It is not enough to know how to complete a task, we must also know how to be good people, people who can make a meaningful contribution to our world. It is my strong belief that we have a community of good, generous and compassionate staff and students who have hearts for forgiveness. 


There will be much to do at the start of 2023 in terms of organisation, uniform and timetables. Until then I wish everyone in our community a happy and peace filled Christmas. A sincere thank you to our families for your continued support of our wonderful school. May everyone return in 2023, refreshed and rested for another year of adventure!