Wellbeing Team

Positive Parenting – Helping your young person transition smoothly into Year 7.
Transitions, particularly into a new school, can be really challenging for young people and the people supporting them. But there are practical things parents and carers can do to help reduce the anxiety around these transition.
The Fear-Less Triple P Program is part of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program. Fear-Less isn’t about eliminating fear altogether – sometimes, fear protects us. Instead, it’s about giving your family a toolbox of strategies, skills, and knowledge to manage anxious feelings and stop unnecessary worrying. Fear-Less Triple P is based on extensive research with families of anxious children by clinical psychologists.
This program is available for FREE and is accessible ONLINE: https://www.triplep-parenting.net.au/vic-en/free-parenting-courses/fear-less-triple-p-online/#au-parents-register-now
Wellbeing Website
Are you concerned about a young persons wellbeing but not sure where to start when it comes to finding help? Our Student Wellbeing Team have developed a website which has lots of information and helpful local referral options. You can check it out here:
A focus on Gender Equity in 2023.
We know that adolescents often feel pressure to be a certain way. For boys, this is often about conforming to traditional masculine stereotypes. The Men’s Project’s ‘Adolescent Man Box’ research demonstrates that boys feel pressure to:
- Be strong and confident
- Hide emotions and vulnerability
- Avoid behaviours traditionally considered feminine or “gay”; and
- Tease their friends, and be able to“take”being teased without being affected.
The ‘Adolescent Man Box’ research also revealed that students — boys and girls — who agree with these traditional ideas of masculinity are more likely to engage in harmful behaviours or to experience poor wellbeing, such as:
- Perpetrating bullying
- Performing poorly in school
- Being involved in physical altercations
- Engaging in risky behaviours like using illicit drugs and drinking alcohol
- Having poor self-concept and mental health
In 2023 we have engaged the support of the Man Box and Tomorrow Man programs to help our students to be able to begin to understand how these issues impact them and the broader culture of the school and community. These programs will be run throughout the year and will be supported more broadly by the RRRR curriculum and our Extended Mentor Program.
Our first sessions in Term 1 are:
Man Box: Year 8’s - Wed 22/2 & Year 9 – Wed 8/3
Tomorrow Man & Tomorrow Woman: Year 10s and 11s – Tues 28/2
You can find out more about the programs here:
Tomorrow Man / Tomorrow Woman: https://www.tomorrowman.com.au/ & https://www.tomorrowwoman.com.au/
The Man Box: https://jss.org.au/programs/working-with-us/tmp-schools/
In addition to educating our students, staff will also engage in the Modelling Respect and Equality (MoRE) program. The program is designed for school staff with a particular interest in role modelling healthier alternatives to the ‘Man Box’. It supports staff to deepen their understanding of what may be driving challenging student behaviour, and increases their knowledge, skills and confidence to lead change.