Assistant Principal & College Processes

It is with great excitement that I welcome you to the new academic year! I hope that you had a wonderful summer break and are ready to take on the new challenges and opportunities that this year has in store for us all.
At Castlemaine Secondary College, we are dedicated to providing a supportive and inclusive learning environment for all our students so that they can grow academically, socially, and personally. As a college we are committed to helping each student reach their full potential and achieve all their ambitions and goals.
I would like to extend a formal welcome to all our new students transitioning from other schools, new to Castlemaine, and all our new year 7 and Year 9 Steiner students.
We understand that starting a new academic year can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, but rest assured that our staff are here to support you every step of the way. Whether you are a new student or a returning one, our doors are always open, and we encourage both students and parents to keep in close contact with your mentor particularly if you have any questions or concerns. Irrespective on where you are on your journey, you can expect to be challenged and inspired in your classes
Students are also in store for some fantastic improvements to our yards and facilities this year. Based on the success of our awards ceremony late last year we will be working hard to ensure that all students assemblies can be conducted with similar formalities, with the inclusion of carpet and seating as standard for all our students. We will be reaching out to the community for additional support. With also have other exciting plans that will be revealed as the year progresses!
Finally I encourage all families to please keep up to date with XUNO notifications as our primary communications portal and I look looking forward to a fantastic year where we work together to continue to achieve great things.
Martin Meilimaka
Assistant Principal
XUNO - Family App
Remember to stay in touch with the school using XUNO Family App for your mobile devices. It is FREE to download in the App Store
Uniform Expectations
At CSC we have high expectations of students in all aspects of school life, which begins with their attire. We acknowledge that sometimes students may need to be out of uniform, therefore the following process will be applied.
- Students should make their way to Administration Office before 9am, where they will be provided with the correct uniform or given a uniform pass if uniform is unavailable. Students should have a note from home explaining why they are not wearing uniform. Students are allowed to have 5 uniform passes per term, which will be recorded on XUNO.
- Students arriving late, who are out of uniform, should follow the same process.
- Any student arriving at mentor or class time out of uniform and who doesn’t have a uniform pass, will have this logged on XUNO as an incident “Out of Uniform / Not Being Responsible.” An automated SMS will be sent to their family.
- Students can only get one incident per day.
- Students who reach 5 XUNO entries will be required to complete an internal suspension.
Laptop Borrowing Process
The following process outlines how students can borrow a device from the College.
- All CSC laptops to be stored in the library.
- Students can borrow these on an individual basis (similar to borrowing a library book).
- Students must borrow before 9am, and return at recess, lunchtime or after-school. Students arriving late must obtain a 'late pass' from the front office to borrow a device.
- This system will allow us to track students who borrow laptops regularly and ensure laptops are cleaned thoroughly in response to CoVid 19 DET recommendations.
Rationale for Laptop Borrowing Process
- Encouraging students to take more responsibility in being ready to learn.
- Many students who legitimately need a laptop, often miss out because laptops are often used by students who have their own device, but haven't brought it to class/school.
- Tracking damage to laptops is really difficult when large numbers are borrowed by one class.
- Students often don't bring their own device because school laptops are made readily available.
- Valuable class time is wasted by students having to collect and return laptops during class time.
- Adhering to CoVid 19 health procedures.
Mobile Phone Expectations & Process
Students are not allowed to use mobile phones between 9am and 3.15pm. Phones should be stored in their locked locker throughout the day. The ban on using mobile phones applies from the first bell at the start of the day and remains in place until the last bell at the end of the day. If a student requires to make an urgent phone call they should see their Precinct Manager, Precinct Leader or Mentor.
If a student fails to adhere to this expectation, please follow the following process (Steps 1-3).
1: Student & Staff Member
Student using phone during school hours – teacher reminds student of CSC mobile phone policy.
2: Staff Member & Student
Log entry onto XUNO and ask student to take phone to library, an automated SMS will be sent home.
3: Student & Library Staff
Student takes phone to library immediately and they will be issued with a receipt. They can collect their phone the end of the day.
After 2 incidents for a term the phone is taken to the Office, which can only be collected by a parent / carer.
4: Precinct Manager or Leader
If student refuses, inform them the incident will be followed up by their Precinct Leader or Manager.
Students who refuse to submit phone to the library will receive a suspension.