But First...God

Tim Argall - Executive Principal

It is almost certain that if you were to walk around the College grounds on any given school day, it would only be a matter of minutes before you would encounter people at prayer.


Our first assembly of the year for Secondary students was held on Tuesday morning – even before Year 9 had boarded the shuttle bus to take them to their Warrandyte South campus for the first time.


Sophie and Sam, our Secondary School Captains, hosted the assembly.  And started with prayer.  As Sophie said “We believe in a God who not only hears us, but wants to answer the prayers of His people.”  


So we prayed – a number of times during the assembly.  In thanks for our 2022 Year 12 and their excellent results; for all that lies ahead of us in 2023.  For wisdom to understand, hearts to receive it well and hands willing to work – in service of God, and in the lives of others.


A week earlier, the staff joined together – everyone, teachers, admin, ancillary, grounds – all joined for a morning of professional development.  And we started with prayer.  Songs of praise and prayers of anticipation interleaved together.  An acknowledgement of the work God has in store for us – a humbling of our collective selves that all things are only possible through Him, as He gives us strength and makes clear our paths.


On Tuesday evening our Board met for the first time for 2023.  Simply to pray.  An annual discipline established six years ago, they meet on the first Tuesday of Term 1 each year to spend the evening in prayer.  For the school, for the students, for the staff, for the parents, for our parent association, for our College association – they prayed for all the interactions we will all have, one with another, through the year.  


That Jesus’ lordship will be clearly evident, that God’s word to us – as much alive to us today as when the scriptures were first recorded by scribes a couple of millennia ago – will be our rock and our guide, and that our community will reflect God’s plan for community and bring glory to Him through all that we do.


But first … God. 


Our relationship with Him is personal.  We can relate in complete transparency with the creator of the universe.  We know the love of His son, Jesus, and respond to the salvation on offer and the Lordship He has.  God gives us the Holy Spirit so we may discern and live as His people together. 


We pray.  Join us in that.  We are a community of pray-ers.  Find someone, or some people, to pray with.  About your kids, about their classes, for their teachers, for the other families.  Not out of a need to gossip, but out of a heart to honour – God first, them next.


We don’t know what 2023 will hold.  We are excited at the possibilities, and we acknowledge that God is in our midst, and His plans are made.  I look forward to joining you in that journey.  


Please engage as often and as deeply as you can – we would love it.  It builds us up and makes all the difference. Lives are touched in special ways, sometimes even supernatural ways, when God’s people are at work.  That’s us – let’s get on with it!


But … before we go:

Artwork: “Bunjil” by Samu Stewart (aged 11) - a Wuthathi Country and Mabiaug Island artist
Artwork: “Bunjil” by Samu Stewart (aged 11) - a Wuthathi Country and Mabiaug Island artist


Dear God,

We gather at our campuses, both at Tindals Road and Hall Road, each and every school day, mindful that we meet on country originally the home of the Woiwurrung clan of the Wurundjeri people. We acknowledge them as those appointed by you as the traditional custodians of this land. 


Enable us, in the light of this, to pay our respect to the local Kulin nation elders, past, present and emerging, being thankful for the way they have stewarded these lands as the Lord’s good creation.  We seek to learn from them in our own practices and ask you to enable us to partner with them in continuing this task.


God, our creator, we trust you and your promise for reconciliation for all peoples and creation to yourself in Christ Jesus.  By your Spirit, enable us to obey you in the tasks you have in store for us as we seek healing and wholeness with one another.

