Student Learning 

M1 and F14 Buddies

Book Week 2021 - 'Old World, New Worlds and Other Worlds'


M1 and F14 got together to celebrate Book Week. 


We began by discussing this year's theme ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds and Other Worlds’. This developed active discussions around the past, what still exists in the present and what might evolve or eventuate in the future.


To present this thinking, we created circularamas to represent prehistoric worlds, futuristic worlds and worlds that represent our creative imaginations. Within our designs, we met dinosaurs, robots, and all sorts of alien-like creatures. 


To conclude our learning, we used our ciruclarama worlds to set the scene for our story writing. Some stories were set in one world, while others were written using a time lapse where the characters evolved and travelled through time. 




Year 6 Market Day

As part of our learning in Business and Economics, the Year 6 classes have formed small groups and created their own businesses. They were given a $40 loan to begin their business and needed to demonstrate an understanding of consumer choice to choose a product to create, market and sell to Year 3-7 students to make a profit and pay back their loans. 


Market Day will be held on Monday of Week 9 13th of September. Prices range from 50 cents to $3.00. Students will be selling a range of products and running some amazing sideshow games. All profit made will be donated to the Fundraising Committee. 


Mel Pietrobon

Year 6 Teacher