Principal's News

Week 7 Reflection

Dear Families,

Well done on trying to ‘keep it all together’ at home (and well done to our staff) but I can definitely sense the fatigue amongst the children at this point. Please feel free to have a day away from the screens and have your child complete some of the work pack that was sent home- one day will not make a difference. Or maybe just a day of rest?

Similarly, you may notice some decreasing engagement with online work, no matter how interesting teachers are trying to present the content. Thanks to Mahla Davies for providing a new afternoon ‘treat’ with the ‘Rainbow Club’; during my lesson this week with our Year 1s and 2s they were telling me how much they were looking forward to the session with Mahla. We’ll keep on ‘keeping on’!!

Thank you to one of our parents for the following email, which was lovely feedback for two of our classroom teachers:

Hi Michelle,
Wanting to give a big shout-out to Mrs. Mahla Davies today!!! I’ve told her she’s great already, want to tell her boss too even though I’m absolutely sure you know this already!
 A general congrats and thanks to everyone else as well, always, and of course.
Mahla is wonderful in many many ways, but in particular at the moment she’s really truly impressing us with her individual engagement of our beautiful son. He’s been struggling with engagement, motivation, regulating his emotions, up and down and all over the place.
2 classes this week, a part of rainbow club (fantastic initiative on its own) and in regular class meets, Mahla has set drawing tasks for the kids. Drawing is THE most interesting attainable thing to him at the moment and by far the best way to try interest and engage him.
We are so grateful and appreciative that in between lesson planning, lesson giving, supporting her own children’s learning, parenting little ones and all the obstacles of life in general at the moment, Mahla is still taking the time and devoting energy and personal resources to keep our kids happy and help make things just a bit better.
Much appreciation to her, to yourself for supporting her and to all staff at school all working together for each other and our kids.
Also please know Clare Smith deserves her own appreciation and thanks. She’s a topic of conversation among us parents, how she’s able to lead the class, keep calm and cool, have a sense of humour still and have her own little ones needing her at the same time! Truly unless you watched the screen you wouldn’t realise she’s in the thick of it sometimes at home. I’m in a similar parenting phase and couldn’t imagine even attempting to hold a class to any measure of success! Hats off to her!

Well done to all of our staff, many of whom have young children at home, for maintaining positivity and energy for our children. It goes without saying that we would like the children back to school ASAP!

On that note, as soon as I hear anything about returning to school I will let you know.

Our Condolences

Our prayers and thoughts go to Mary Murphy (Y1 teacher) and her family on the death of her father last week. Losing a loved one is always traumatic, but compounded during covid times with limitations on funerals and the rituals that go with celebrating the life of a loved one. We keep Mary and her family in our prayers and send all our love to her during her long service leave and at this difficult time.

Farewell Christie!

We wish Christie and her partner Josh all the best for the next few weeks as they await the birth of their second child due on September 17th. Christie begins her maternity leave today after covering Year 1 during Mary’s leave in addition to her sports role and we thank her for all her contributions to our school during the last couple of years. Time to put your feet up Christie!

School Review Presentation to the St Joseph’s School Advisory Council

It was an absolute pleasure to have Judi Hanke deliver her reviewer’s feedback to our SAC on Tuesday evening. What a tremendous affirmation of the team we have at St. Joseph’s- parents and staff working in partnership was something noted as a particular strength of our school. I will share the executive summary with you all when it arrives, but in the meantime, please read the review reflection from the members of our SAC later in this newsletter. I thank all SAC members for their support of our growing school and for their attendance at this session with Judi.

Naplan 2021

You may have read the NAPLAN news this week that students in Victoria have ‘topped’ the table with their NAPLAN results. We will receive individual student results next week and we will send these on to our Year 3 and 5 parents. Whatever the outcome, I am extremely proud of all of our students and the efforts they put into their learning.


Something to Brighten Up the Day

Thank you for sending across the photographs of your child/ children with their favourite pets/ toys/ people. It was lovely to see the smiles on the children’s faces during assembly as they recognised themselves on screen. I will make a ‘part two’ for next week so please feel free to email photographs if you haven’t already done so.



Well done Giulia!

How lovely of Giulia to share her ‘book nook’ with us in celebration of Book Week- how gorgeous with a clay lion and a nook with the theme of Narnia. Great job!

Attendance Requests Week 8

Please complete the following form to request onsite attendance for your child. Please note that I have included Friday the 3rd, although the children are due back that day.

Let's Pray!


Take care everyone, we're thinking of you all and we are counting the days until we can welcome the children back. It can't come soon enough.
