Student wellbeing

Parents and Remote Learning

The current snap and then prolonged lockdown has been challenging for all including MGSC parents and student community.  Last year Parents Victoria offered this article which is just as relevant to 2021 with ideas to increase your child’s engagement in remote learning.

Free seminars

Some organisations are offering interesting and insightful free seminars which will be of interest to our school community.


Let's Talk Body Confident Children and Teens 

This Butterfly Foundation presentations provides practical tips to help parents/carers of primary and secondary age children understand and promote positive body image in the home. It looks at: power of positive role modelling; reducing toxic body talk; developing resilience to social media pressures and what to do if concerned.


Date: Wednesday, 1st September 2021

Time: 7pm - 8pm (AEST), plus 15mins for questions

Format: Live, via Zoom (no recording)

Webinar registration: BCCT


Generating fun, energy and joy as a family with teenage children


Bayside Glen Eira Kingston Local Learning & Employment Network (BGKLLEN) would like to welcome family and friends to this private webinar with Dale Sidebottom. This one-hour session is designed for families to participate and have fun together. During uncertain and testing times, it is very easy to become overwhelmed, stressed and anxious by everything out of our control. And so much has been out of our control, not just from the virus itself, but most aspects of our lives have been impacted – from work, finance, socialising, and mental and physical health. But what if we can shift our focus to what we can control in our day? Join Dale as he shares simple and practical ideas to support our mental health and wellbeing as we adapt to this new reality. Dale has several brand-new ideas that he has created and tested this year to help bring more joy, fun and laughter into our lives even in these unprecedented times


Link -


Everyone who registers will receive a recording of the session if they can not attend.


Student Wellbeing team 

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