Junior school news

Many students were disappointed when they heard that they were returning to another lockdown. Please be reassured that we are doing our best to support this transition for the students and the teachers are continuing to keep their lessons as engaging as possible.
I would like to thank you for supporting your daughter during this time of remote learning. MGSC appreciates everything you have done and will continue to do to support your daughter during this uncertain time.
Lunchtime Kahoot
With another lockdown, we saw the return of the Junior School Lunchtime Kahoot! On Tuesday 10 August the Kahoot was “Name the Artist.” House Points were awarded to the first three placegetters. Congratulations to Molly Kampha (8E - Melba) for winning this Kahoot, Parnian Mellat (7A - Jackson) for coming second and Ali Corbett (7A - Melba) for placing third.
On Tuesday 17 August the lunchtime Kahoot was on Anime. It was a close competition and the lead kept changing right up until the last few questions! Congratulations to Gabby Taylor (8E - Mackellar) , Estelle Morgan-Banks (8G - Kenny) and Lara Guevara (8G - Mackellar).
The Tuesday lunchtime Kahoots will continue to run over the next few weeks. It doesn’t take all of your lunchtime, so swing by and see some of your friends.
We are calling for all Junior School Harry Potter fans to join us next Tuesday 24 August at 1:15pm. This is your time to shine!
Emma Holman
Director of Junior School