Careers & Pathways

2022 Tertiary applications
Application for 2022 courses are now open! It’s now time for all year 12 students that are planning on university study to create an account with VTAC and enter course preferences:
To create your VTAC account you’ll need your VCAA number (emailed to students on 30 July) and a USI. You can get a USI here:
Apply for scholarships and Special Consideration (SEAS) within your VTAC account. Additional information regarding SEAS can be found here:
I highly recommend this YouTube Video for a comprehensive explanation of the entire process:
If you would like guidance for your individual circumstances we can also setup a meeting online and discuss your questions.
VTAC applications open 2 August
Timely applications close 5pm, 30 September
SEAS applications close 5pm, 8 October
VCE results and ATAR released 7am, Thursday 16 December
Change of preference closes 4pm, Monday 20 December
January offer round 14 January (no December offer round)
February offers – 4 rounds as usual
Dates have change due to COVID-19 restrictions. For the latest information see
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’d like assistance – that’s what I’m here for! :)
Karen Garton
Careers and Pathways Coordinator