Lion Library

Borrowing from the Lion Library while learning from home

Our library remains open for borrowing books and other resources. We will be operating a ‘click and collect’ program while learning from home for staff and students. Why not try our free origami and knitting packs complete with materials and instructions.


Email the Lion library using the email: with your queries and requests. Students are encouraged to browse and borrow from a wide range of Ebooks and print books. See below for a reminder on how to browse Oliver from home. Print books can be collected directly from the front office window.  

Keep adding the books you read to the 2021 Reading Challenge by scanning the QR code on your book marks or use the link below. So far, we have read 716 books. 

Our "Disguise and Deception" ebook competition has started! Join in by reading one of our huge range of ebooks and sharing your thoughts on a review.  Find out more on google classroom code evpshik.