From the Assistant Principal

Years 7-9

Kristie Satilmis

Term 3

Year 7, 8 and 9 students celebrated a fantastic Term 3 at their year level assemblies this week.  The Year 9 assembly included recognition of those Year 9s who achieved 100% attendance this term, recipients of 605 DARE Chronicle posts and some very impressive NAPLAN results!


Year 7 and 8 students celebrated a remarkable 685 and 780 Chronicle posts respectively, acknowledging demonstration of our school values, Diversity, Aspiration, Respect and Excellence.

ALQsYear 7Year 8Year 9
Critical thinkingPasqualeBenSteph

We are so very proud of the achievements of all our Year 7-9 students, who have shown such resilience and determination in spite of the challenges they have faced in recent months.  I wish our Junior School students a well-earned break these holidays, and encourage them to use this time away from screens to really re-energise and do those simple things that bring joy.  We look forward to welcoming everyone back (hopefully onsite!) for the last term of the 2021 school year.

Building project update

This week we hosted a WebEx presentation with the Principal team from Bialik College and Auburn South Primary School, as well as our local MP John Kennedy to bring them up to date with the current plans for our exciting new Senior School building.  They share our excitement at the ways the new addition to our school site will positively impact our shared learning precinct.  The planning process is well underway, and I’m pleased to share a summary and some images with you in the following pages of this newsletter.


We anticipate completing our current Stage 2 works next term, before then commencing our Stage 3 Capital Works toward the end of Term 4.  According to current planning, this will include some services upgrades and the replacement of windows along the south side of the existing main building, helping to improve the efficiency of our new heating/cooling system.  This will be the prelude to the main event - breaking ground to commence construction of the second building early in the new year.