Zoom into STEM School Holiday Workshops 

Zoom into STEM School Holiday Workshops

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Zoom into STEM School Holiday Workshops | ANSTO


Online and interactive while in your home. Kids can zoom into these school holidays workshops and create movies, animations, arcade games, roller coasters and more. Limited spaces.

SCRATCH Junior for Mini Coders

This short introductory class is for young kids taking their first steps in coding.  Children don’t need any coding experience but should know how to work their devices.  Children will make simple animated stories using drag and drop visual block coding that is ideal for beginners.

Ages:5 - 8 years
Session 1:12:30 – 1:30pm, Monday 27 Sept
Session 2:2:00 – 3:00pm, Monday 27 Sept
Session 3:1:30 – 2:30pm, Friday 1 Oct
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SCRATCH Coding for Beginners

This is a fun session, where children learn the basics of Scratch coding.  No experience is required. Your child will create mini animations, art and games, whilst learning about algorithms, events, conditionals, functions, operators and more.  Throughout the session, children will have the opportunity to use and explore their own ideas and will be encouraged to get creative.

Ages:8 – 12 years
Session 1:10:00am – 12:00pm, Monday 20 Sept
Session 2:12:30 – 2:30pm Thursday 30 Sept
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Paper Engineering Workshop

This is a class packed full of fun paper craft activities for younger kids.  We will make paper animals that move, toys and games.  Get ready, we will be cutting, drawing, measuring, colouring and sticking!

Ages:6 – 8 years
Session 1:10:00 – 11:30 am, Monday 27 Sept
Session 2:10:00 – 11:30 am, Thursday 30 Sept
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Cardboard Engineering

In this highly interactive cardboard construction class, children will make their own games they can actually play with cardboard and tape! Children will learn about cutting, scoring and folding techniques that will make their cardboard creations move, turn, slide or stay still.  Who knew those old boxes could be so useful 

Ages:8 – 12 years
Session 1:1:00 – 3:00pm, Tuesday 21 Sept
Session 2:10:00am – 12:00pm, Friday 1 Oct,  
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Paper Roller Coaster

Love roller coasters? We’ll go on a wild ride to find out just how awesome they are and what makes a really good one. Have fun with energy transformation and create jumps runs and loops to make the most amazing and exciting roller coaster you can.

Ages:8 – 12 years
Session 1:9:30 – 11:30am, Monday 20 Sept
Session 2:12:30 - 2:30pm Thursday 30 Sept
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Stop Motion Animation

This is a beginner’s class for those with little to no experience in creating Stop Motion Animations.  Children will design their own backgrounds and film and edit movies starring their own toys and imaginations!

Ages:8 – 12 years
Session 1:10:00am – 12:00pm, Tuesday 21 Sept
Session 2:1:00 – 3:00pm, Tuesday 28 Sept
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Electric Circuits (Introduction)

If you enjoy making things, and sometimes breaking things too, then this workshop is for you!

In this 2 hour (virtual) hands-on workshop you will learn about and make various electric circuits such as Morse code machines and burglar alarms. You’ll have a great time learning to make virtual electric circuits and code a simulated ‘BBC Micro:Bit’ to add extra features to your circuits using wires, motors and sensors, while learning basic coding concepts. We’ll bring rock, paper, scissors to digital life along with whatever crazy inventions your creative minds can think of!

Ages:8 – 12 years
Session 1:1:00 – 3:00 pm, Wednesday 22 Sept
Session 2:9:00 – 11:00am, Saturday 25 Sept
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Electric Circuits – Advanced

This is the follow-up workshop for the introductory Electric Circuits session, which is a pre-requisite for this workshop. Everything you learned about electrical circuits will be reinforced and expanded on in this workshop. You’ll also be assisted in making your own complex projects in Tinkercad as well as learning about how to work with breadboards, micro:bits and Arduinos to bring your code to life!

Ages:10 – 14 years
Session 1:9:00am – 12:00pm, Wednesday 29 Sept
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Make your own arcade game

Every heard of Pac Man and Space Invaders? These are the arcade games your parents played when they were young. Now it's your turn to make your own arcade game!

Learn the basics of game design in this introductory workshop using MakeCode arcade. You must be familiar with coding in Scratch in order to participate in this workshop.

Ages:10 – 13 years
Session 1:9:30 – 11:30 am, Thursday 23 Sept
Session 2:1:00 – 3:00 pm, Wednesday 29 Sept
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Video Editing and Special Effects in Premiere Pro

Learn how to make your own videos using Adobe Premiere Pro in this 3hr workshop. We work with multiple layers of audio and video, apply special effects like greenscreening and learn how to properly export your video for sharing online.

During the workshop, you will have the opportunity to pick the brain of a professional videographer and gain an in-depth understanding of the editing process. You will learn the best editing workflow to cut together your footage with music, titles and effects. You'll be able to effectively choose shots, polish your audio and colour correct your video. This workshop is perfect for those of you who are either interested in learning the basics, or those who have already shot your video and want to learn how to put it together.

It is required that you have some familiarity with editing video in iMovie (or similar) before attending this workshop. You also need to have Premiere Pro already installed, up-to-date and running beforehand. Many Government independent schools already have the required Adobe account free for you to use.

Ages:13 - 16 years
Session 1:9:00am – 12:00pm, Wednesday 22 Sept
Session 2:12:30 - 3:30pm, Monday 27 Sept
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Virtual Robotics

In this online workshop you’ll be learning the basics of robotics and coding while using a variety of free online tools! We will be designing and coding some basic robots, while learning about logic and problem solving. Everything you learn in this workshop will be really handy when you get your hands on some physical robots, and it’s fun! You don’t need any prior experience with coding or robotics, just you and your computer! Some of the resources used may require significant processing power, so be sure to join the Zoom class on a device that isn’t struggling to load webpages. And remember to have a parent nearby who can help solve technical problems on your side.

Ages:10 – 13 years
Session 1:12:30 - 3:00pm, Thursday 23 Sept
Session 2:9:00am – 11:30am, Tuesday 28 Sept
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Coding in MinecraftEDU

Turn “Minecraft Time” into learning time! In this online workshop you’ll learn how to use Minecraft EDU’s Codebuilder feature to automate mining and building, while learning the basics of coding in a language like Scratch. To get the most out of this workshop, it will be useful that you are at least a bit familiar with how to play Minecraft, but we’ll still go over the basics of the game first anyway. For this workshop you must have MinecraftEDU installed on your device, the regular version of Minecraft will not be able to connect to our server. You’ll also need to have a MinecraftEDU account, which many government and independent schools already have – so check with your school if you are uncertain. And remember to have a parent nearby who can help solve technical problems on your side.

Before signing up for this workshop download and install MinecraftEDU for free from here first https://education.minecraft.net/en-us/get-started/download and see if your school account (the one you use to sign into your computer or email) allows you to sign in and start playing. If the website does not correctly identify your device in the “Recommended for your device” box, scroll down to the bottom of the page to manually select your machine.

Ages:10 – 13 years
Session 1:1:00 – 3:00pm, Friday 24 Sept
Session 2:9:30 – 11:30am, Monday 27 Sept
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