Competition Winners! 

Neatest Bed Competition


Last week, students of Windang Public School were in a serious competition of who could make the neatest bed. This involved much skill and dedication as well as persistence. 


It was great to see all of those neat and tidy bedrooms that the students worked so hard to achieve. 


It was a tight competition and the final winners were hard to choose. They are: 

Eddy F, 

Ava B, 

Tynan C, 

Immy W, 

Tyrell S, 

Chelsea R & Fleur B. 

You will be contacted in regards to your prize.


Portrait of your Teacher

Last week's Fun Friday activity was to create a portrait of your teacher. Our students have shown some amazing creativity and artistic skills, have a look at these artworks.


Mrs McCarthy, Ms Papesch & Mrs Gardiner's Portraits 


Mrs Watt & Miss Ferguson's Portraits


Mrs U & Mrs Blanch's Portraits