Stage Two News

With Miss Ferguson and Mrs Watt

Stage Two News

We have not only survived Term 3 in Remote Learning, but we have managed to learn lots and have some fun along the way. 


In Literacy, we have written Information Reports, Procedures and most recently a biography of Anh Do and David Attenborough. We have introduced the online platform “WUSHKA” to improve reading and comprehension and continued with Sound Waves. In Maths, students have enjoyed Number Busting and Number of the Day activities along with using Maths Online.


Each afternoon there is an optional activity included with some of the best being: Nature Art, Nature Fashion Show, Rock Painting and making Inspirational Posters.

Well-Being Wednesdays have been a hit, with Backyard Olympics, Superhero Day and Pirate Day being some of the favorites. Sweet Treats Cooking Channel was enjoyed by many; we loved seeing students and their families having fun in the kitchen. 


We are so proud of the efforts of all students in 4F and 2/3C and their families who help make it all happen. It really has been a team effort #weareallinthistogether


Miss Ferguson and Mrs Watt