From the Principal's Desk

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Dear Parents and Carers,


It has been a very challenging term for everyone however I am immensely proud of the efforts of each and every person in our school community. Our students continue to engage positively in their learning although many are now ready to completely unplug from school work and have a well earned rest. 


The concern continues to be around the wellbeing of our students and families as we all flag and tire of this learning from home arrangements. We have incorporated various almost unplugged days in our weekly plans however, can I please encourage parents to action an unplug day as needed throughout the week. We completely support the need for students to get off devices and spend time outdoors. 


NAPLAN Results

Last week, we mailed home your child's National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) results for students in Years 3 and 5.


Please take the time to read this assessment and acknowledge the progress and achievements that your child has made. This assessment provides each student and their family information regarding their achievement in various strands of Literacy and Numeracy. There is a comprehensive explanation included in each package. This provides some very important information at an individual, group and whole school level. 


The teachers and I use the NAPLAN results to simply value-add to our already robust understanding of each student's academic ability. NAPLAN is a snapshot in time and compared and contrasted to our internal data. As a result, it can provide an excellent opportunity to ensure we are capturing students who require additional support and those who would benefit from enrichment and extension opportunities. I am pleased to share our school's NAPLAN results within this newsletter, please navigate to the NAPLAN Results 2021 section. 


Classes for 2022

As we approach the end of Term 3, we will begin planning classes for 2022.  The aim is to provide organisational information to parents, students and staff before the end of the year in an attempt to help lessen any anxiety about next year. Class formations are based on student enrolments therefore all decisions to attend or sadly leave our school can have a huge impact on the entire school community. 


To assist our school and class planning for 2022, please encourage any new families to the area to approach the school asap to begin the enrolment process.  Alternatively, if you intend to leave our wonderful school, I would greatly appreciate if that information could be shared with myself as soon as possible.


Planned return to school

The NSW Department of Education has planned for a staged return of students starting on 25 October (week 4). This is very much dependent on the state reaching a 70% vaccination rate and low cases in our own Local Government Area.


The plan states:

Kindergarten and Year 1 return on 25 October (Week 4)

Years 2 and 6 return on 1 November (Week 5) and

Years 3-5 on 8 November (Week 6). 


Vaccinations for school staff

To ensure a COVID-safe return to school, all NSW public school staff on-site, to support the staged return of students, will be required to be fully vaccinated by 8 November. Any contractors, volunteers or people on site who require a Working With Children Check will also be required to have 2 doses of vaccination before returning to our school.


Student Home Learning Packs 

On Tuesday 5 October, (Term 4, Day 1) the student home learning packs will be distributed as follows:

School Gate

Family Surname



Crossing Gate

A – L

9:30am – 10:30am

Crossing Gate

M – Z

10:30am – 11:30am

. To ensure we comply with the NSW Public Health Order and Restrictions we need:

•One person per family to pick-up their child/rens pack as indicated in the table below

•All adults must wear a mask

•All adults must social distance

•All adults must sign-in using the Services NSW App; QR Code displayed on the school fence.


If you’re not available to pick-up your child’s pack at the designated time please contact the office on 02 42 951 852 or send an email to: to organise an alternative date and time.


Next year our school will turn 80! 

Windang PS was established on the 19th January 1942, in the local hall with two teachers.  Next year, our school turns 80 therefore it's time to coordinate a working party who will lead and plan the celebrations. If you'd like to join the working party team please send an email to with your name and availability for meetings along with possible celebration ideas. 


I want to thank all of our families for their support throughout the term, needless to say it has been extremely challenging for everyone. We have reached 10 weeks of learning from home and now it's time to rest to ensure we are ready for the challenges at the beginning of term four. 


Stay well & stay safe

Mrs Kocovska
