Careers News

Careers News
Year 9 Exploring Careers and VETis options at Chisholm Tafe.
Yesterday the Year 9 students had a great day at Chisholm at our DREAM Trade Training Centre. Students participated in two workshops over the day. They chose from the following workshops Panel & paint, Vehicle wrap, Hospitality- including both cookery and Barista, Beauty, Engineering where the students programmed and produced a Fidget Widget, automotive and sticker design.
As you can see from the photos the students really enjoyed the day! Students had the opportunity to find out about what courses they can study to lead to jobs in these trade areas. Students were all hands on in their learning which is certainly a benefit of courses run through TAFES.
Thursday students had a presentation on Careers for my future. They then went on to create a log in with “myfuture” website and explore the interactive career bullseye posters. These posters are subject based and outline what careers are linked to these subjects. It also includes what training and skills are required to be successful in gaining qualifications to work in these areas. It is hoped that both the workshops at Chisholm and the careers research done on Thursday will assist students in making their subject selections for V3.
REMINDERS for students in Year 10, 11 and 12……
- ‘INSIDE MONASH’ seminars – June: 14th Business; Aug 15th Music, 31st Education; 31st Science and Careers, Sept 5th Education; Register:
- EARLY ACHIEVERS PROGRAM (ACU) – Apply until 17 July. See:
- DISCOVER DESIGN AT SWINBURNE – 11-14 July; Melbourne Design Factory, Hawthorn; See:
- ENGINGEERING AND IT – Program for Year 10 girls; Thurs 6 July; Monash University; Register: (lunch and morning tea provided).
- MONASH SCIENCE TOURS – in July holidays; Register:
- INDIGENOUS STUDENT EXPERIENCE MONASH DAY – Indigenous Engagement Unit hosting on Thurs 27 July (includes lunch); Register by 7 July to, 9905 8699.
- ACU ‘UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE’ DAYS - Melbourne campus: Tues 4 July; Ballarat campus: Tues 11 July; Information and bookings:
- ‘KEEPER FOR A DAY’ – Healesville:, Werribee:
Entrepreneurship Competition extended…… closes Friday 29th June
There are a few places remaining for the two-day Entrepreneurship Boot camp that will take place on August 23 & 24. This program is supported by Australian Business Community Network member companies EY and Commonwealth Bank Australia and is a unique opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience in entrepreneurship, mentored by some of the best in this field. I strongly encourage any student interested from year 10 or year 11 to come and see the Careers team urgently and we will assist you to apply. Please check out the website
Year 11
Students in Year 11 will have prerequisite MIPS conversations this coming week. Students will revisit their plans for the future and ensure they have the necessary subjects required. It will also be a timely reminder about the ATAR required and any extra requirements students will need to be aware of before moving into Year 12 in 2018.
Tertiary Visit – Year 10 and Year 11 students
On Thursday 29th June the Year 10 and Year 11 students will be visiting Australian Catholic University (ACU) in the morning and RMIT in the afternoon. A reminder that students will have the opportunity to either purchase their lunch or bring their own lunch from home. The day will provide a great opportunity for students to learn about the programs and courses that are offered – both certificate level and degree options.
Students are reminded to get their permission forms back as soon as possible.
Year 10 Work experience
Year 10 students are required to confirm their work experience locations during term three. I have asked all students to PLEASE use these school holidays to approach employers and companies and confirm where they will be going. Reminder the dates are Monday 27th November- Friday 8th December. A minimum of 5 days needs to be secured for this time. I look forward to being inundated with work experience arrangement forms at the start of term 3! If students need new copies please get them to come to the careers centre to collect.
2017 SpotJobs Melbourne Career Expo - Year 10, 11 & 12's
The Career Expo showcases over 150 exhibitors from Tertiary education providers, large employers, skills industries and Government departments and services.
While at the expo students are encouraged to receive information from the Department of Education on all things higher education based, ie VET student loans, student support, apprenticeship info, USI, and QILT comparison surveys.
The Career Development Association of Australia will be offering Free career counselling to assist students top find their career pathway.They can also bring a hard copy of their resume to the event and have a qualified CDAA representative check it for free.
There is an abundance of Free career advice on hand.
If a student is looking for work around their study hours, there are also many large employers exhibiting who are looking for students to fill positions.
Years 10, 11 and 12 students and parents FREE entry
Friday 21 July to Sunday 23 July at the Royal Exhibition Building, Carlton Gardens, Melbourne.
Download your free ticket via this link:
Attendees may show this ticket on your their smart phone/device or print and handed in at the door. Each person must show a copy of the ticket to gain free entry.
Jodie McCarthy