Primary News

From the Assistant Principal
It has been a long term and I'm sure everyone is looking forward to the holidays for a well earned break! I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the staff and students for their hard work this semester. The student comments in reports certainly reflect their achievement against their goals.
We are now reporting against the Victorian Curriculum as opposed to AUSVels as in previous years. You will notice a few additional areas included on the reports. Please take time to read the report with your child. Reports will go live on Friday 30th June- the last day of term.
Mrs Mcphie will be on long service leave for the first 6 weeks of the term and I will be on leave for the first week.
Enjoy the holidays and I look forward to seeing you all next term!
Primary Reports
o access your son or daughter’s reports please follow these instructions:
- Log on to Compass through the school website using your unique password (if you have forgotten the password, please ring the office on 9795 5848).
- Compass will open to your home screen.
- Click on the tab ‘View academic report’ to open the file.
- Click on the relevant report
- 2017 – Semester 2 Secondary or
- 2017 - Semester 2 Primary
- Click on Export as PDF if you would like to print a copy of your son/daughter’s report at home.
Passions Clubs - Garden Club News
The students in the garden club planted some winter vegetable seedlings last week after many weeks of getting the garden beds ready for planting and free of weeds.
We certainly got our hands dirty!
We did not need to water the plants as large black clouds threatened to rain on us all afternoon.
We can't wait to see how quickly they grow and then we can work out what we are going to cook with our fresh vegetables.
Thanks to all the students for planting out the vegetable patch and cleaning up all the equipment.
Now we watch them grow!
Sonia McPhie
Greater Dandenong Cross Country
Primary student, Nurija, represented the Greater Dandenong Region in the Division Cross Country competition. The competition was held at Tatterson Park. Out of the 32 students competing in the 11-year-old girls age group Nurija placed 13th with a time of 13 minutes 11 seconds. We are so proud of Nurija for the hard work she put into getting there today.
Primary Leadership
Primary students were spotted happily chatting and enjoying recess with their senior leadership students. The primary leadership program offers senior students the opportunity to work with primary students during class and at recess. This program is loved by primary students and the senior students who work with them.
P/1M, 1/2Z & 2/3A
Continuing on with their investigations students have started to design and make a house for our “Little Pig”. Students have been challenged to think about what makes a house strong. We have discussed the need for reinforcement to hold it together and a foundation to hold it to the ground.
Stay tuned for more news about the progress of the Piggy’s House!
3L, 4S, 4/5N, 5B, 5/6L & 6E
The last two weeks students have continued to investigate their focus Little Bit. Posters and presentations have commenced with students being challenged to explain the purpose of the Little Bit and how it works.
Emma Braybon
Primary Art
Grade 4S - Robots
We looked carefully at the shapes, colours and details of robots.
In our Art journals we designed a robot of our own.
After painting our robots we used lighter and darker grey paint to add highlights and shadows to make them look 3D.
Christine McAleer
Mad On Music
Mad On Music have pleasure in announcing that Declan (4N) was Term 2’s winner of the MOM Signature Chart Award. Congratulations Declan!