Secondary News

From The Assistant Principal
As the semester draws to a close I thank the students and staff for their efforts this and know that reports will be a time of celebration for students that have worked hard and strived to do their best in their studies. These students will all show similar qualities of commitment, setting goals and striving to do their best. In partnership with their teachers and parents/guardians successful students make the most of the opportunities that Carwatha has to offer.
I encourage all students and their parent to read reports and analyse areas of improvements ready for semester 2. Reports will go live on Friday – the last day of term.
For parents of students in Year 7 – 9 the big change to reports will be that now we are reporting against the Victorian Curriculum and we have included some information for parents on how to interpret reports.
Rosanna Spina
Secondary Student Reports Year 7-9, 2017
Reporting on the Victorian Curriculum at Carwatha College P-12
At Carwatha College P-12, student reports provide students, teachers and parents with a clear and concise picture of a student’s achievement and progress at a point in time. Teachers make informed and consistent decisions about student progress against the achievement standards using a variety of assessments and observations to inform their judgement. They map the student’s learning against the achievement standards of the Victorian Curriculum, and place the student on the learning continuum, that best reflect the student’s level of performance and progress.
The Victorian Curriculum (which replaces the AUSVels Curriculum we assessed against in 2016) is a developmental learning continuum and is organised by levels not years of schooling. The curriculum consists of Towards Foundation Levels A to D and Levels Foundation to 10. All curriculum areas have achievement standards, describing what students are able to understand and do.
All students progress along the learning continuum at their own rate and from their own starting point. Their learning is personalised and they are taught at the level that suits their needs, rather than being taught to the year level and age group they are in.
To access your son or daughter’s reports please follow these instructions:
- Log on to Compass through the school website using your unique password (if you have forgotten the password, please ring the office on 9795 5848).
- Compass will open to your home screen.
- Click on the tab ‘View academic report’ to open the file.
- Click on the relevant report
- 2017 – Semester 2 Secondary or
- Click on Export as PDF if you would like to print a copy of your son/daughter’s report at home.
What you will see on your Child’s Report.
Your child’s achievement on Assessment Tasks. (Year 7-9)
This will use the scale
- Outstanding
- Excellent
- Very Good
- Satisfactory
- Needs Improvement
- Unsatisfactory
Statements about What your child has achieved and How they can improve.
If you have any questions about how to read your child’s end of semester report or wish to discuss anything on your child’s report do not hesitate to contact the school.
Please keep in mind that as this is a new curriculum, this report cannot show progress from the previous years' reports which assessed against the previous curriculum.
Further information about the Victorian Curriculum can be found online at: or by contacting the school.
Science 7C Experiment - Forming Clouds
On Tuesday June 13, 7C students participated in a science experiment. They have recently been learning about resources, and in particular, water and its movement through the environment via in the water cycle. Students heated water until it boiled, and covered it with a watch-glass. They saw condensation forming on the bottom of the watch-glass. They then re-boiled the water and added ice to the watch-glass. This time, they saw steam begin to form. This experiment showed how water can change from a liquid to a gas, and a gas to a liquid (evaporation and condensation, respectively) both of which are stages in the water cycle. Did you know – clouds form due to the evaporation and condensation of water droplets, and that it rains when these clouds become too heavy!
Kyla Crawford
Year 7 Girls Soccer
On Thursday 15th June, twelve students participated in the Greater Dandenong Division Soccer competition.
The girls were Marie Kelly-Anne Albert, Sahar Al-Deeb, Sarah Dib, Isabella Eghanian, Ramona Ghandour, Mackenzie Ho, Norah Hoang, Suripon Homkroom, Aleysha Koutsoupias, Hena Kuljuh, Ro Mon Lay and Aliah Zimah. They reached the final but unfortunately were beaten by Dandenong High School. The girls were extremely proud of their efforts on the day. Well done!!
Thanks to Mr Pieta for coaching them.
Ruth Arnold
Year 7 Girls Netball
It was a tough day out for the year 7 girls netball team. Wins were very hard to come by in an extremely competitive division. Over the course of the day, the team showed great effort and banded together to assist everyone learning the game and participate. Great sportsmanship was displayed by all players on the day.
Damien Luci
Science 8A Experiment - Making A Compound From Its Elements
On Monday June 19, 8A students participated in a science experiment. During their Chemistry unit, students have recently been learning about compounds, mixtures and elements, and in particular, the difference between the make-up of compounds and elements. Students heated up a piece of Magnesium using a Bunsen burner, tripod, pipeclay triangle and crucible. They watched Magnesium change from a silver, shiny metal to a dull white powder. We then discussed that this experiment demonstrated a chemical reaction, and why this was so. Did you know – the compound we formed in this experiment, Magnesium oxide, can be used as an antacid for heartburn?! Thank you to Ashton who assisted me in packing up the experiment!
Kyla Crawford
Southern Metropolitan Cross Country
On Monday 19th June six students participated in the Southern Metropolitan Region cross country competition. These students were Alison Hughes, Hanna Garrard, Reannin Carlos-Smart, Reggie Comeros, Ro Mon Lay and Kevin Lomuro.
All students performed extremely well against strong opposition. Well done to these students.
Thanks to Ms Grubb for taking them on the day.
Ruth Arnold
Year 10 Incursion - Keys Please
On Thursday the 22nd of June, the Year 10's participated in the ‘Keys Please’ presentation, facilitated by Sharon Torpey from Vic Roads. This is a program run by Vic Roads in secondary schools to help guide students in their driving journey. During this presentation, Sharon gave students important statistics and facts about the responsibility of driving a car. Students gained a better understanding of what skills driving involves, road rules and how to pass the Learner’s driving test. All students received a free set of L plates to take home. Students were very grateful for the professional advice they were given, so that they will be safer on our roads in the future.
Alison Hughes - Yr 10 student
Unit 3&4 English Class - Excursion
Medea by Euripides
On the 10th of May 2017, the students from unit 3/4 English went to the Drum Theatre to watch the play Medea, one of the texts that were studied during the term. During the play, many of the characters’ traits were shown. For instance Medea’s passion when planning her revenge on her husband, Jason and his conceited personality, the princess’ naivety and child-like nature as well as King Creon’s fatherly love for his daughter. This play was helpful in understanding the themes and characters; it was also a little revision for us for the upcoming exam in November.
Ipshita Bawa
The theatre production of Medea provided an in depth and detailed interpretation of the play, which helped students to get a better understanding of the text being studied. The actors that took part in the performance displayed a convincing portrayal of the characters within the play, and the values which those characters entail. The performance was very dramatic and emphasised the large amount of passion, and what that strong sense of passion may lead someone to do, in regards to dealing with betrayal, and plotting for ‘revenge’, which is demonstrated to a large extent within Medea’s character. The lighting and sound effects used throughout the course of the performance added to the increasing intensity of the scenes that were performed. Overall the performance was very enjoyable, and we would recommend to others. It was a very entertaining and insightful experience for us and we are thankful for it.
Sabrina Chew and Lukeisha KosemansYear 11
Senior Sports - Upcoming Events
Seniors sports teams – Table Tennis, Futsal and Basketball are heading out on the 27th June, please ensure that you have paid and filled in your permission slips. Good luck to all the teams.
Snow Trip 2018 - Upcoming Event
V3 Snow trip July 28
Past trips have been a fabulous experience for the students. Please make sure you have completed payments and sent in your permission slips.
Australian Mathematics Competiton - Upcoming Event
Australian Mathematics Competition (ACM) 27th July 2017
A nation wide problem solving enrichment event, to enhance student knowledge of Mathematics and capacity to study at a higher level. Cost $6.50 per student. See Compass for more details.
VCAL Muffins And Coffee
Our talented VCAL students run a cafe from the food technology building, selling coffee and muffins at recess with the sales raising money for the Cancer Council.
V3 Course Selection Expo and Information Evening 2018
All current year 9 and 10 parents are invited to attend our V3 Course Selection and Information Evening on Wednesday 26th July. The evening will commence with a presentation to current Year 9 in the V3 Centre and current year 10 parents in the Theatre.
At the conclusion of the information session parents and students will be invited to attend the Course Expo in the college Gymnasium. At the Expo parents will be able to discuss VCE/VCAL subjects with the relevant staff whilst collecting brochures and information on the evening.
The information sessions will commence at 6.00pm with the Expo following. We expect all families to attend this important evening.
Parents will also be provided with a personal invitation sent out in the mail to attend our Course Selection Interviews. Parents of 2018 Year 10 students are required to attend the interviews with their son/daughter on Thursday 3rd August and for 2018 Year 9 students on Friday 4th August. Parents will be given individual appointment times with a Senior member of staff to discuss and select students subject and course choices.
If you have any questions regarding the course selection process please do not hesitate to contact Sally Ross, Senior Years Leader, at the college.
Sally Ross
Year 12 Formal
On Friday June 23, Year 12 students attended the very first Year 12 formal for Carwatha College P-12. The girls looked beautiful with their hair and make-up done, and the boys looked very handsome in their suits. Students and teachers enjoyed a delicious 3-course meal. Many photos were taken, students danced on the dance floor and enjoyed voting for students for awards such as ‘best hair’ and ‘best dressed’. All students proudly represented our college and thoroughly enjoyed the night. Thank you to Mrs Christopher and the Year 12 leaders for their tireless preparation for the evening, and Mr Mulcahy for giving permission for this event to occur.
I am sure that all Year 11 students hope that next year, we will have another Year 12 formal.
Kyla Crawford