P-12 News
By Reading This Newsletter
You Are In The Draw To Win
20% Off Your Child's Essential Items For 2018
Thats right!
For reading this issue of the Carwatha College P-12 newsletter, you go into the draw to win 20% off your child's essential items for 2018.
This applies to each issue for the remainder of 2017 - so if you dont win this fortnight, read the next issue and you will be in the draw for that fortnights issue.
good luck!
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club is up and running again!
Open to all students, breakfast is provided free of charge on Monday, Wednesday and friday each week.
you can get:
- cereal
- oats
- muesli
- canned fuit
- fresh fruit
- baked beans
- toast
- raisin toast
- crumpets
- or a hot/cold drink
Times are from 8.00am to 8:30am in the MPC building.
Host Families Needed
Battery Recycling
You can now recycle your old batteries at Carwatha College P-12.
The recycling bin can be found in the main office.
Qkr – New Feature
Push Notifications now available on Qkr
The push notifications are designed to be ideally sent out as soon as the product appears ready for purchase on parent’s phones. Please remember to go into Settings by clicking the 3 horizontal bars in the top right of the screen to ensure you have opted in to receive push notifications from QKR. When the push notification has been sent, and assuming the parent has opted in to receive notifications, below is what it looks like on an IPhone. It may appear slightly different on an Android Phone, but the functionality is the same.
Anaphylaxis - Change To Emergency Management
Important - please note
The devices have not changed, just the instructions on the label, which now include:
- Reduced injection time from 10 to 3 seconds – this is based on research confirming efficacy and delivery of adrenaline through the 3 second delivery.
- Removal of the massage step after the injection – this has been found to reduce the risk of tissue irritation.
Whilst it is important that anyone who requires anaphylaxis training (including school and early childhood education/care staff) are aware of the changes, there is no need for immediate re-training on the 3 second EpiPen®.
EpiPen®s with a 10 second label can continue to be used and should not be replaced unless they have been used, are just about to expire or have expired.
All EpiPen®s should now be held in place for 3 seconds, regardless of the instructions on the label. However, if they are held for 10 seconds it will not affect the way that the adrenaline works.
To access updated ASCIA Action Plans for Anaphylaxis, ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training courses, the 3 second EpiPen® training video and other resources go to www.allergy.org.au/anaphylaxis
Donna Azzopardi
Fun Science Facts
Linda Hibbs