Principal's Report

From The Principal
This year is flying by with many highlights, providing plenty of reasons to celebrate all that is great about Carwatha College P 12. Students have been engaged in a variety of learning activities in and beyond the classroom which certainly have catered for the diversity of student interests at our school.
It only seems like yesterday that the year started and that now we find ourselves at the half way point.
On Monday June 19th our V3 students commenced second semester and the transition from first semester has been smooth.
Reports for first semester have been completed and will be available to parents and students on the last day of the term, Friday June 30th via the Compass portal. I encourage all parents to read the report with their child. It is important that each student reviews their first semester achievements as well as having a clear understanding as to what is required to improve.
The Year 12 formal was held on Friday June 23rd at the Grand Metropol. It was a celebration of work completed in semester one. Thank you to Year 12 coordinator Lambrini Christopher and her student leadership team for all the work they put in to make it such a great night.
In term 3 we start preparing for 2018 and our course information night will be held for parents and guardians on July 26th at 6.00 pm, I encourage all parents to attend.
Course counselling/subject selection appointments for parent(s) / guardian(s) will be held for year 10 students going into year 11 on August the 3rd and for year 9 students going into year 10 on August the 4th. I encourage all families as they read their reports to start thinking about which subjects they would like to study next year, or which pathway, VCE or VCAL they would like to follow.
I would like to remind all parents and guardians that school will finish at 2.30 on our last day of term 2 June 30th.
I wish all a safe and relaxing holiday, and look forward to next term which commences on
Monday July 17th.
Pat Mulcahy
College Principal