Unit 1 - Biology Excursion
Last week, Unit 1 Biology students visited Melbourne Aquarium to observe a variety of marine species in their different habitats.
Students discovered the importance of classifying living organisms and observed strategies that are used to support the conservation of marine species.
Hayley Cook
Titration Challenge
Four teams of VCE science students participated in the Titration Challenge where they had to show off their practical wet chemistry skills by determining the concentration of an unknown vinegar solution.
The students are competing against teams from schools all over the state and if their skills prove good enough they may make the national final.
The data has been entered and the results will be in later in Term Three where the in-school champions will be crowned and the overall state wide results will be released.
Hayley Cook
Unit 1 & 2 Chemistry
This week Mrs Schulz Unit 1 & 2 Chemistry class were working on their fantastic molecule models. A lot of time and effort has gone into the construction of the models.
A great way of understanding the structure of atoms within a molecule.
Hayley Cook
Caitlin Armfield
Head of Science