Year 10 History
As part of Year 10 History: From Peace to War, students study human rights history with a focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history.
One of the topics we have discussed in class is the 1965 Freedom Rides conducted throughout New South Wales. University students, including Charles Perkins, travelled around the state highlighting injustices committed against indigenous citizens. Some of these issues included refusal of entry to RSLs for indigenous veterans and segregated swimming pools.
As part of their studies into this topic, students were asked to create a creative piece focussing on why they decided to join the 'Freedom Rides'.
As last week was National Reconciliation Week, it was an appropriate time to showcase student empathy. Thanks to Bella for her fantastic response to the task.
Kristy Mays
VCE Humanities Teacher
Dear Diary,
Yes... I am dark skinned, Yes... I do have rights,
Yes... I am not treated equally, Yes... I am Aboriginal.
This issue relating to the equality of Aboriginal Australians is something I hold very close to my heart. I am sick and I am tired of letting people stamp their authority on me, taking my basic human rights away. That is why I chose to become a member of the Freedom Rides, a group that rides from town to town, in order for their voice to be heard.
There is more to these rides than just asking for freedom, it's about asking for recognition and getting justice. While receiving rights and changing the government's thoughts on the rights they suggest for us.
As a young child, I was deprived of the basic things any other child would receive, a non-Aboriginal. One of these being as silly as not being able to swim in the same pool as non-Aboriginal Australians. Violence broke out in the Moree Baths, we were spat on and we were pushed out of the pools, left to be felt ashamed and broken.
I am angered and heartbroken, and therefore I aim to get the highest education as possible. To show these non-Aboriginal Australians that we deserve justice, rights and recognition.
I know it has been hard, and will continue to get harder as time goes by and rides go by, however, the end-result should be rewarding and a victory to us!
Isabella Di Giorgio 10.10