Writing Competition
Literary Luncheon and Winners
The English Department celebrated Education Week with our Literary Luncheon, which took place in the school’s library last Tuesday.
The Luncheon saw four writing competition winners read their pieces to an audience of teachers, parents and friends.
Congratulations to the following students who were adjudged as the winners of the school’s writing competition from Years 7 to 9.
Year 7
John Cuya and Alesia Jensen
Year 8
Emma Johnson-Shortis
Year 9
Hannah Zinnack
Writing Folio
A reminder to parents, that students will need to submit their completed writing folios in the coming weeks.
For many students this will mean completing some pieces and putting the final ‘polish’ on conferences pieces of work. A conversation with your son or daughter about where they currently stand with their folio could be beneficial in ensuring they are on track to submit their best possible work.
Ben Taylor
Head of English