Monday 12 June
Queen's Birthday - Public Holiday
Tuesday 13 June
Year 11 Exams
Wednesday 14 June
Thursday 15 June
Year 11 Exams
Friday 16 June
Year 11 Exams
Monday 19 June
Unit 2/4 begins
Friday 23 June
Report Writing Day - Student FREE DAY
Friday 30 June
End of Term 2 - 2.30 pm FINISH
Please refer to the Senior School Calendar available on the school website for the full list of important dates/events.
General Ahievement Test
Wednesday 14 June
10 am - 1.15 pm
The General Achievement Test is a 3 hour test of general knowledge and skills in:
- Written communication
- Mathematics, Science and Technology
- Humanities, the Arts and Social Sciences
The GAT is an essential part of the VCE assessment procedures. All students enrolled in one or more VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3 and 4 sequences must sit the GAT.
Students should also bring a dictionary to the GAT.
Year 11 Captains
So much has been happening for VCE’s this term we really don’t know where to begin!
With VCE continuing in the mid-year, Year 11 and 12 students are facing more SAC's and have just began to take on our mid-year exams.
To VCE students, please be sure to study efficiently and effectively for all SACs and exams to come. All VCE students are encouraged to ask for any sort of assistance from subject teachers or coordinators, that will have you best prepared, with healthy wellbeing, to continue our final years of school.
VCE students recently also received a slight taste of how the General Achievement Test (GAT) works, providing us with strategies and how we would approach questions, particularly ones that may not be of our strong suit. The GAT scheduled for Wednesday 14 June, may all students who are doing at least one Unit 3/4 subject, have luck as they sit the test.
It’s been a very full on term for VCE Performing Arts students at LHS! During this term, we have seen the Unit 1/3 Theatre Studies class take to the stage performing their version of the Australian Gothic play titled “The River the Dirt and Us,” which was soon followed by the VCE Musical Performance class who completed their Group and Solo performance SAC. Then to top it off, the VCE Drama class also performed their group ensembles which were based on “The 7 Deadly Sins!” A HUGE congratulation to all of these classes on very enjoyable nights to very high standards, you should all be very proud of what you were able to accomplish.
Students also had the opportunity to take part in the Art’s camp this year which ran from the 24 May to 26 May. It was a very enjoyable camp where students were able to continue working towards our Unit 1/3 outcomes as well as having fun during the Dreams and Nightmares Disco, Performance concert, gallery and the giant swing. A huge thankyou to all of the teachers involved for making this camp so enjoyable.
The 2017 School Production seems to be well on track as many LHS students including multiple VCE’s learn and master new songs, scenes and some not so easy choreography. Keep up the good work everyone as we continue to work to show week, which is still a few months away.
We would also like to congratulate James Laven for being selected as one of the 8 students aged 16-18 from across Australia to participate in the Pierre de Coubertin International Youth Forum which is to be held in Estonia! The forum runs every two years and will take place from August 19 to August 25, 2017. Teams from 26 different nations will be participating in a range of events and activities including; Olympics knowledge tests, Community Service and traditional sporting events including, 100m sprint, long jump, swimming, cross country and many more. We wish James the best of luck for this forum and congratulations again on being selected to take part in this once in a lifetime opportunity.
And lastly, Lilydale High also says goodbye to long-owned, exchange student from France, Ambroise Bougy. Ambroise, is from an area not too far from Paris. He has been with Lilydale High for 9 months now, and unfortunately ends his time in Australia soon, having his last day at Lilydale High on Friday 9 June, before heading home on Wednesday 14 June. Embarking on a courageous and huge journey, located on the other side of the world, down-under, Ambroise now gets to go home with golden memories, experiencing Australian culture and landmarks from the suburbs, to the iconic Uluru. Being included in what Lilydale High has to offer, he is bound to remember our community and the contributions we had to his trip, from the warm welcoming in the early stages of his trip, to the strong friendships he has made that he won't forget.
May we wish this young man the best of luck, taking the rewards from his trip back home in France. Best of luck with your future, and have a safe trip home. You are very welcome into our beautiful country again and again, Ambroise. See ya later, mate.
Angie and Lotus
Improved Perfomance Time (ITP)
This year all VCE students have study periods together on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Periods 5 and 6 and Friday Period 6.
The aim is to run all SACs, examinations, level assemblies, guest speakers and other activities during this time to minimise class disruption. If there are no relevant activities for your child during this time, they are free to go home to study. However, students are more than welcome to stay at school and study.
A reminder that if your child misses a School Assessed Coursework (SAC) they must get a medical certificate to enable them to sit the SAC in the next available IPT time slot.
Students will not be granted SAC redemption unless they have a medical certificate or it is a school-approved absence. If there are extenuating circumstances please let us know and we will make a decision based on the VCAA guidelines.
Once a student has been approved for SAC redemption, they will be required to sit the SAC the next available time slot.
The times for SACs are:
Monday - SAC Redemption 3 pm - 4.30 pm
Tuesday - Periods 5 and 6
Thursday - Periods 5 and 6
Friday - Period 6 (one period SAC only)
VCE Attendance
It is a requirement at Lilydale High School that students attend all timetabled classes so that teaching and learning opportunities can be maximised.
If students have reached their limit for absences from class there is an opportunity for this time to be redeemed. Students can speak to their Year Level Coordinator to discuss making this time up at lunchtime, during afternoon study periods, or after school.
Coming toward the end of term, it is imperative that students make up classes they have missed.
Furthermore, it is a requirement that students attend Home Group, even if they have Study periods, periods 1 + 2.
VCE Cars
Some students will acquire a car and licence in 2017. PARKING is available in the Stadium Car Park.
Students may obtain their parents’ permission to be driven to and from school in another student’s car. A written note from both students’ parents must be given to the VCE Coordinators before driving another student or siblings.
Students must inform the VCE Coordinators of their licence plate numbers and car make and colour.
Student Absences
Any absences from school must be parent/guardian approved – you can do this through a signed note or you can approve your child’s absences via the 'Parent Approval' button on Compass.
You can also use Compass to view your student’s past absences.
If you have forgotten the parent Compass username and password, please contact Jenny McLean in the Senior School Office.
VCE Coordinators