Monday 12 June
Queen's Birthday - PUBLIC HOLIDAY
Tuesday 13 June
VCE Year 10 Exams
Thursday 15 June
VCE Year 10 Exams
Friday 16 June
VCE Year 10 Exams
Monday 19 June
Year 10 Exams
Tuesday 20 June
EMR 2017 Cross Country
Year 10 Exams
Wednesday 21 June
Year 10 Exams
Year 9 City Experience: Metro/Police Talk - Period 6
Thursday 22 June
Year 10 Exams
Friday 23 June
Report Writing Day - Student FREE DAY
Friday 30 June
End of Term 2 - 2.30 pm Finish
Monday 17 July
Term 2 Starts
Year 10 Immunisations
Monday 31 July
Middle School & VCE Information Night
Monday 7 August
Year 10 MIPs Interviews
Year 9 Captains Report
There are only a few weeks left in the term and boy has it gone quickly! Very few things have happened since our last report, but they were quite significant.
On Tuesday 30 May, teams participating in the inter-school AFL Football and Soccer went out and came back quite successful.
On Thursday 8 June, Year 9 students took part in the Year 9 Health and Wellbeing day. Male students went to the Lilydale Bowls Club and female students went to the Lutheran Church in Lilydale. We were all spoken to about resilience and wellbeing, goal setting, forming healthy relationships with each other. It was a great day and lots of fun!
Good luck for the coming weeks.
Reuben and Keira
Year 10 Confidential Records
We have recently posted out to parents/ guardians confidential details for our Year 10 students.
As it is very important that these details are current, accurate and relevant, I would be most obliged if you would read them carefully and return the record to the school with any adjustments clearly detailed on the sheet.
Also enclosed is a DET Data Collection Form; this information is collected so that Lilydale High School receives appropriate resource allocation for its students.
It would be appreciated if you would return the student record and the data collection form to the office or the form teacher in a clearly labelled, sealed envelope to ensure absolute privacy and confidentiality of the information. Please return the forms even if there are no changes so we can verify our records and data.
Thank you to parents who have already returned this important information.
Wendy Powson
Year 10 VCE Unit 1 Exams
VCE Unit 1 examinations will be held from Tuesday 13 June to Friday 16 June.
All students must check the timetable carefully to see when their exam is scheduled and bring the required resources with them.
A reminder, all students must be in full school uniform.
Please note, all Year 10 classes are running during this week. Students are required to attend classes (except when their scheduled exam is on).
Year 10 Exams
Monday 19 June to Thursday 22 June
Students will only be required at school when they are attending exams. No Year 10 classes will run during this time.
Important Exam Information;
- Students must be in full school uniform to sit the exams.
Students will need to bring the correct resources with them - pens, pencils, dictionary, calculator etc (students can check this with their teacher for each exam)
- Any exam clashes must be rescheduled with the Middle School Coordinators.
- If students are absent on the day of an exam they will need to see the Middle School Coordinators to arrange a catch-up exam.
- Students can leave immediately after their last exam on each day.
- If students have multiple exams on one day, they are not permitted to leave school in between their exams. If they have a break, they will complete private study.
Approving Absences
Student absences should be entered on COMPASS by parents/guardians OR by calling the school Absence Line on 9735 5644.
The Middle School Office should be contacted if it is expected that your child will be away for more than two days.
Parents and Guardians who may have forgotten their Compass username and password, can contact Lauren Kelso in the Middle School Office for assistance.
Middle School Coordinators