Monday 12 June
Queen's Birthday - PUBLIC HOLIDAY
Tuesday 13 June
Year 8 Significant Persons Day 1
Wednesday 14 June
Year 8 Significant Persons Day 2
Tuesday 20 June
EMR 2017 Cross Country
Wednesday 21 June
Year 7 Teacher Morning tea
Thursday 22 June
EMR Year 8 Boys Football
Friday 23 June
Report Writing Day - Student FREE DAY
Monday 26 June
EMR Year 7/8 Girls Football
Tuesday 27 June
EMR Year 7 Boys Football
Wednesday 28 June
Year 7 & 8 Pizza Lunch (Attendance Winners)
Friday 30 June
End of Term 2 - 2.30 pm Finish
Year 8 Music
8.69A have been preparing for their performance at the Significant Person Project on Wednesday 14 June.
Combining heartfelt words and guitar chords (along with some "sick beats") they have created a wonderful piece of music and are looking forward to showcasing their composition next week.
All Year 8 students have recently been completing their practical work on the guitar and learning chords to play in a progression.
We're very excited about the emerging rockstars (complete with power stance) that we are seeing in the classroom. Well done Year 8!
Amy Cumming
Parent Contact
Please don’t hesitate to call us or your child’s Home Group teacher, with any questions or queries in relation to the Junior School Program.
Junior School Coordinators