Senior School News

Sarah Bridges

Senior Sub School Manager


Welcome to Semester 2.


I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the way in which senior students at the College approached their recent exams. It was pleasing to note the mature manner in which students approached their study and conducted themselves during the exams.

Teachers will be returning exams and providing feedback to students over the next week.  Students are encouraged to use these results and other assessment task results to reflect upon their approach to their study both in the classroom and at home.


Well done to all students who worked hard throughout the whole semester to achieve their best results. The highest achieving students will be acknowledged at a Senior Sub School assembly next week.


Year 10

Semester two subjects begin this week and students are encouraged to settle quickly into new subjects and apply themselves to their study.


Careers Week 25-29th July.

Students will participate in a variety of activities during the week that will help them set career goals. VCE, VCAL, VET and SBATs will be discussed and presented as Senior Years Pathways and students will be provided with course planning for 2017.


27/7 Parent Night

Parents are required to attend the VCE/VCAL parent information evening to assist their student to make an informed choice about VCE or VCAL. Following from this parents and students will be asked to attend an individual course planning interview.




The recent VCAL interviews were a very positive experience for students and allowed them to proudly show their portfolios and further discuss their learning goals for the remainder of the year.


Year 11 VCE

VCE students are now in Semester 2 and should be reflecting on their progress and results during semester 1.  Parents and students will be contacted in the near future if extra assistance and support is required to help students meet their learning goals.


Information about the year 12 camp and jackets for 2017 will be coming home early in term 3.


Year 12



Students had their first experience of an externally supervised exam with the recent GAT.  It is important that students continue to plan their study and work towards achieving their goals. Term 3 will go very quickly so students need to prioritise study over work and socialising.

Please note that the VCAA end of year timetable is available and has been sent to students.




Students are working hard to achieve their outcomes and are to be commended for their mature approach their recent interviews and folios.


Information regarding VTAC applications and the Graduation will be given out during term 3.


Thanks Ms Bridges