Our Key Dates

JUL 11           Term 3 Begins

JUL 18-22     9/10 Leadership Camp

JUL 19           VCE Parent Teacher Interviews -                            4.00pm - 6.30pm 

JUL 22           SBAT Evening

JUL 25-29     Careers Week

JUL 27           Yr 10 Subject Selection Parent                                Information Night

AUG 15-19    Year 9 Project Week

AUG 26          "Fifty and Fabulous",

                          Gala Event at Costa Hall

SEPT 14         Year 7-10 Parent Teacher                                           Interviews - 12.00pm -7.00pm 

OCT 21           NGSC Multicultural Festival

OCT 31           Curriculum Day

DEC 2             Assessment/Reporting Day

DEC 9             Awards Presentation Evening

                         Costa Hall

Nicholas Adamou


End of a very successful semester

As we come to the end of the first semester of the 2016 academic year, I take this opportunity to celebrate with you the achievements of our students and staff. None of this can occur without the hard work and effort of the staff (teaching and non teaching) who work diligently, plan and organise the learning and teaching that takes place on a daily basis within our vibrant college community. As I scan through the past newsletters, I can’t help being extremely proud of the personal qualities and achievements of our students this semester.


Our students have achieved outstanding curriculum results and participated in numerous extra-curricular activities. They had many opportunities to demonstrate our school values Respect, Excellence, Achievement & Diversity, within the school and the wider community, during camps, fundraising activities, sporting events, visits to and from other schools.  School and self pride are central to everything our students undertake.

In the last 4 years, the school has grown in numbers and also gone through a huge transformation of the physical environment (buildings, facilities, sporting facilities, grounds & gardens). The following work has been completed in Semester 1 this year, or is in the process of being completed in Term 3:

  • Brand new synthetic turf sporting facilities ( soccer pitch, basketball and netball courts, volley ball court, 5 down ball courts)
  • Refurbished Performing Arts / Drama Room
  • New Year 9 and 10 Locker bay
  • New desks and chairs
  • Painting around the school
  • New garden beds

Of course the most important work in a school is what happens within the buildings in Teaching and Learning. In other words the buildings, grounds and gardens can add so much in a child’s education, however, it is what happens within the school buildings that matters more to our students, the quality of teaching and learning. As Principal at North Geelong SC I am very proud of the outstanding work performed by our staff in the area of teaching and learning and also wish to assure you of our quality programs that address student needs and add value to their education.


North Geelong SC has a busy term 3 ahead, filled with studying, as well as career pathways and subject selection counselling for all Year 8 to 9, 9 to 10 and 10 to 11 students. The Year 12 students will be assisted and supported in applying for tertiary placements at university and TAFE, apprenticeships or full time employment.


Wishing everyone a very safe and restful holiday and look forward to rejoining you next term.

Young Leaders Breakfast

On Thursday morning, 23 June the school hosted its annual Young Leaders Breakfast forum. The school provides this opportunity to many Primary School Leadership Teams with their teachers and Principals to come together, enjoy breakfast and listen to an inspirational speaker. This year the Guest speaker was Senior Constable Andy Brittain and Year 11 NGSC student Komon Sochali who participated in the Kokoda Trail walk in 2015.


The Young Leaders also had the opportunity to participate in leadership activities and discussions. Many NGSC Leaders attended the forum modelling leadership skills and ensuring that all our guests were comfortable and enjoying the activities.  I take the opportunity to thank all Primary school Young Leaders, Teachers and Principals who participated in the forum.  We hope that the Young Primary school Leaders would go back to their respective schools and continue leading their communities with newly gained skills.  


The forum was hosted by our school captains Mary Salazar and Joel O’Keefe. A big thank you to Ms Katina Astles – Transitions Pathways Leading Teacher, Mr Allister Hill – Assistant Transitions Coordinator and the NGSC student Leaders for organising a very successful Young Leaders breakfast forum.

Semester 1, Examination Period

Semester 1 exams including the General Achievement Test (GAT) have successfully been undertaken by all Year 7 to 11 students during the exams period.


Semester 2 began on Tuesday June 14 for all 7 to 12 students.  A new school timetable is in place with many students undertaking new semester subjects from 7 to 10. All Year 11 and 12 students and some Year 10 students undertaking VCE units, have commenced Units 2 and 4 respectively.   

Semester Reports


The teaching staff have completed the Semester 1 assessment and reporting process for all students in Years 7 to 12. All student reports will be  posted on  Xuno parent portal by the commencement of term 3.


I strongly encourage all parents/guardians to access the reports carefully, to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and also encourage improvement in Semester 2, where warranted. If you have any concerns with respect to your children’s reports, or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Year Level Manager or Home Group Teacher to discuss these.


Congratulations to all students who completed the required work and have performed at their personal best. Unfortunately, there is a very small number of students who are not making the most use of their educational opportunities here at North Geelong Secondary College. Some staff members have expressed concerns about student absence, student lateness, student attending classes without the appropriate materials, failure to complete homework and students wasting time in class. The school’s expectations are very clear. This school community does not accept anything but students learning, achieving, improving and fulfilling each and everybody, to their full potential.


North Geelong SC provides a supportive, values-based learning environment. Behaviours that are leading to not meeting our expectations may result in students losing their right to being part of our learning community. I call on parents’ full support to ensure a rich learning and teaching environment. It is important for teachers and parents to work together to promote improved student work ethic and commitment to studies. 


Whilst we welcome and encourage parents to attend the school for a wide range of reasons, it is important that all visits to the school come through our front office. Parents, guardians and visitors to the school are not to go directly to other areas of the school including different wings, classrooms or the technical support office. Our office staff welcomes will handle all parent and visitor enquiries and make the appropriate arrangements for you. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.


Student accident insurance, ambulance cover arrangements and private property brought to schools


Parents and Guardians are reminded that the Department does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students.


Parents and guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance/transport and any other transport costs. 

In some circumstances, medical or other expenses will be paid by the Department where it is assessed that it is likely, in all the circumstances, that the Department is liable for negligent (careless) acts or omissions of its staff/volunteers. 


Student accident insurance/ambulance cover policies are available from some commercial insurers, and can be obtained by school councils on a whole-of-school basis, or by parents/guardians for individual students. 


Private property brought to school by students, staff or visitors is not insured and the Department does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage.


Term 3 begins on Monday July 11. Have a safe and relaxing break.