John XXIII Rowing Club 

Secure your tickets now!

John XXIII Rowing Club would like to invite all of our bogan members and the broader College community to the club fundraiser, Bogan Bingo!


Expect the prizes to be just as classy as their fashion, and the comedy just as tight as their jeans. Bogan Bingo will be a ripper night that you won’t want to miss so book ya tickets and come early to grab a table with ya mates. Leave the keys to the Torana at home, bring ya favourite bogan platter and rock out to some serious bogan fun.

  • Date: Saturday 30 October
  • Time: 7pm for a 7:30pm start, concluding at 11pm
  • Location: Leederville Town Hall, 84 Cambridge Street, West Leederville 
  • Cost : Table of 10 for $300. Cash bar for drinks. 
    Please remember to have some spare cash with you for our exciting raffle.
  • Dress code: Your best (or worse) bogan
  • RSVP essential



Funds raised on the evening will go towards the Club purchasing a new racing Coxed Quadruple Scull to replace one of our older boats; which after many years of wear has meant that it spends more time being repaired than being rowed. The Bogan Bingo night is a great opportunity for the rowing community to come together as well as fundraise towards purchasing a new Quad for the program that is accessed by over 200 students each year. In a small shed like John XXIII’s, it is vital that the equipment is safe as well as providing the best opportunities for our students to learn correct technique.


A quadruple sculling boat, often simply called a quad and abbreviated 4x, is a rowing boat used in the sport of competitive rowing. It is designed for four persons who propel the boat by sculling with two oars, or ‘sculls’, one in each hand. 










Jerram Gibson

Rowing Coordinator