Health and Safety

If you are unwell...

Please don't come to school! Students who have a persistent cough or a fever - or any flu-like symptoms will be isolated and parents called to collect.

They need to get a COVID test and show the negative result before they can return.


For more information:

Gate collection

Our COVID-safe collection points and times will continue for a few weeks.

  • K using The Trongate entrance/exit - 9am - 2:40pm
  • Year 1 using  The Trongate entrance/exit - 9am - 2:45pm
  • Year 2 using Nobbs St entrance/exit - 9am - 2:45pm
  • Years 3 and 4 using Nobbs St entrance/exit - 9am - 3pm
  • Years 5 and 6 using Blaxcell St entrance/exit - 9am - 3pm.

News from Western Sydney Health

Congratulations - Cumberland has reached 87% fully vaccinated.