Captain's Corner

Waylon with Ms Christine

Captains Reflections from Term 3

Waylon Huddleston


This term I have learned how to divide big numbers from small numbers. I’ve learned how to make my sentences make more sense. I then learned the time and put big words in my sentence. 


This term I am proud of being the school captain. It’s like leading people to a good position and I’m also grateful for the effort I‘ve put in.

Waylon in Howard Springs
Waylon in Howard Springs


A highlight of this term was having a big focus on my work and never giving up on my work even though I failed sometimes. I also tried hard on my footy and basketball and doing sport with Mr. Jayden was absolutely amazing.


A challenge this term was Maths and doing division. As captain I felt a responsibility to look after things and lead people to a good position.


The best thing about living at Lockington has been bike riding, Citizen's Park trips, playing on the basketball courts at St. Kevin’s and going to Bounce with the MITS mob. I also liked cooking non-bake balls with Mr. Michael when we had school at Lockington.


Something I am looking forward to in Term 4 is presenting my last captain's speech and maybe going to Mt Buller or some sport as well as visiting my new school for next year.


Keira Manning


This term I have learned that no matter how long we are in lockdown there is always something fun to do even if it’s going on a bike ride or doing something around the boarding house.

Casey, Tenielle, Ella, Keira and Katelyn at the Disco
Casey, Tenielle, Ella, Keira and Katelyn at the Disco

This term I am proud of Maths because I got really good at area and perimeter and I got 100% on my test which I was really proud of. If I didn’t get a topic in Maths I would stay in and learn about it more or in a test I would be the last one because I was really taking my time. 


A  highlight of this term was doing the amazing race around Yarra Park because I haven’t done anything like that before. Another highlight is when we had to do a video for KGI and tell everyone to stay safe but I kept getting tongue twisted and couldn’t say a word properly.


A challenge this term was being away from family in lockdown because I couldn’t go back when I really wished I could and lockdown isn’t fun if you don’t do activities all the time.


Well Being Day!
Well Being Day!

The best thing about living at Lockington has been when we needed a break from the boys and so Mr Brad and the staff decided that we were going to stay at Alumni Boarding House. We got to see how cool their rooms were and it gave us a chance to know what it could be like next year. Another favourite part is when I found out who I was staying with because I didn’t really talk to them and now we are good friends.


Something I am looking forward to in Term 4 is seeing if we get out of lockdown, and if we do, what activities we’ll be doing because we didn’t get our camp we had planned.