Executive Team Report

Welcome back to Term 4 2021. I hope that all our staff, students and their families took the time to rest and recover during the break. We are looking forward to welcoming our students and staff back to on-site learning as soon as possible.
Year 12 Students Returned
We were very happy to have all students doing a Unit 3/4 subject return to onsite learning on Tuesday 5 October 2021, to complete the General Achievement Test (GAT). The executive team and the senior school team spent the morning welcoming back our students and wished them well for the exam. For the rest of the week, our students completed practice exams. On Monday 11 October they returned to the classroom to complete further revision tasks with their teachers in preparation for the upcoming exams.
Year 12 Celebration Day
We enjoyed celebrating the educational journey of our Year 12 2021 cohort with a range of activities and a picnic graduation on the oval on Thursday October 21. The event had a very positive vibe and I would like to thank Zaiga Bendrups, Conor Sheehan, Michael Harte and Sandra Greenhill for their work organising the event. The oval looked a treat and Mat Douglas and Peter Martin did a terrific job setting the scene. Thank you also to the PFA for providing the ice-cream van to finish the day with a sweet treat.
It was wonderful to see staff and students enjoying the pleasant weather as all students were acknowledged for their hard work and contribution to the College during their time at the school. Student leaders reminisced about the journey from Middle School to the culmination of Year 12. Highlights mentioned included camps, excursions, Live Life, Sport Education, Koonung Day and other memorable experiences. It was a great opportunity to reflect whilst thanking parents, families, friends and staff members for their contributions. Along with the teachers and education support staff, I would like to thank the Senior School, Careers, International Student and Wellbeing teams. They have all worked tirelessly to provide care and guidance to the students and families as required. All of the staff at Koonung have enjoyed working with these students and watching them develop and mature. We admire their passion for a range of causes and marvelled at their talents and skills.
We recognise that this experience of VCE was severely impacted by the pandemic, however, we believe these students have learnt a great deal about themselves and their peers. Many skills have been acquired which will hold them in great stead to navigate the future of work and study. I believe we will be working with a hybrid balance of on-site and remote communications for years to come.
Even though 2020 and 2021 has surprised us all, I hope this cohort of students are able to look back at their achievements with pride, valuing what was learned and the relationships developed. Thanks again for the contribution to this community. We admire the young adults you have become and wish you every success. Go well and conquer the world.
Year 12 Exams
The Unit 3/4 Exams begin on Wednesday 27 October. We wish all students good luck with their upcoming exams. Subject teachers are willing and able to support students with clarification and guidance prior to the subject exam. Thus we encourage students to take advantage of the teachers as valuable resources.
On a personal note I would like to thank Mark Quinlan who has been the Acting Principal at the beginning of this term on my behalf as I had some leave to support my daughter as we welcomed our first grandchild, Isobel Violet, who was born on 12 October. Mark, along with the executive team of Mary Eade, Sandra Greenhill and Stace Kerr have done a fantastic job in my absence.
Marianne Lee
Capital works program update
We had some unexpected delays last month due to COVID-19 restrictions but construction has now resumed. Framing, windows and roofing is due for completion mid November - the new building is taking shape!
Stace Kerr
Business Manager