Performing Arts

Player profiles - Instrumental Music students
Our 'player profiles' segment continues and in this edition of the newsletter we hear from Tiana Clegg currently involved in our Instrumental Music program.
Who: Tiana Clegg
Year Level: 11
Any cool nicknames at school? – My friends often call me Cleggy 😊
What instruments do you play? – I play Piano and Guitar
Who is your instrumental music teacher/s at Koonung? – Kathryn Rogers and Marina Novelli, who are amazing teachers!
What school ensembles do you play in? The Keysband, Guitar ensemble and Black Widow
When did you start learning to play music?
I started learning piano when I started primary school, but started self-teaching myself guitar when I was in year 9.
What is your favourite song or genre to play? Pop songs or more well-known classics like Fur Elise.
What bands or musicians do you like to listen to or have influenced you a lot?
I don’t have a favourite band but I do love musical theatre, which often influences what I listen to and what I play.
What is your most memorable performance to date?
Playing with my Primary school band for the first time, it made me want to keep on performing.
What is your most memorable musical learning experience?
When I picked up my guitar for the first time and taught myself my first song. It really helped with everything going on at the time and it is still a helpful tool for relaxing.
What other non-musical hobbies or interests do you have?
I love acting, rock climbing and Japanese.
What do you hope to achieve with your music in the future?
I hope to play for fun and entertain others, I believe good entertainment does wonders for other's morale.
What is your favourite food to eat?
Lasagna, any pasta, or ice-cream 😊
What is the silliest thing you’ve ever said, done or worn (Chicken Suit?) ?
Hm, I say many silly things on a daily basis, I don’t know any specific thing 😊
Joshua Verco
Instrumental Music Instructor - Electric Bass, Double Bass & Cello
VCE Music Class of 2021
This year has come and gone in the blink of an eye. It seems like just yesterday that we were sending off the Class of 2020, and it is suddenly time to do the same for the Class of 2021. The Year 12s are all busy preparing for exams, and for VCE Music students Andy Ma, Qinming Wang and Ocean Yap, this is no different.
VCE Music students sit two exams, one for performing their repertoire and one written exam. The performance exams start prior to the written exams, meaning that students undertaking VCE Music must be focused and diligent with their practice routine as much of the material is learnt within the first semester.
Usually, Koonung offers our VCE Music students a wealth of opportunities to perform throughout the year. Unfortunately however, due to the lockdowns we had to cancel our Winter and Spring Concerts and the VCE Music excursion. Although the class did not have the opportunity to perform in front of audiences, we were able to film a short performance of each student which you may view and enjoy below.
Andy, Qinming and Ocean, we wish you all the best on your performance exams and we hope that you keep playing music long after your time at Koonung is over.
Olivia Foy
Performing Arts Domain Leader
Mathematics and Music Teacher