Senior School

Over the past few weeks it has been very encouraging to see how many of our students have taken to the remote learning situation. 


I want to take this opportunity to thank you all very much for being patient and courteous to us whilst we have been learning (very quickly) about how to deliver our lessons to you and respond to your questions. 


Week 5 was the start of Google Meet for us and what an exciting time it was.  It was the first time in weeks that we got to speak "face to face".  We love how excited you all were and you were all very well behaved, you should all give yourselves a pat on the back for your excellent manners.  Thank you for learning how to use the different functions such as the mute and 'raising your hand' capabilities; this makes it easier for us all to have a smooth video conference.  


Over the coming weeks, we will use the Google Meet functionality that we now have more often until we get back into the classroom in June. 


Remember that although we are not physically together we are all on this ride together. Please ask questions and let us know if you need a hand. 


Stay safe, and we cannot wait to see you all in June! 


Mr Anagnostou & Ms. McLaren.